November 30, 2011 at 10:30 am · Filed under Assignment, Journal
How has your participation in the Community Service Project encouraged you to draw upon the expertise of faculty and staff?
My participation in the Community Service Project has encouraged me to draw upon the expertise of faculty and staff since it made me realize that the faculty and staff are here to help you 24/7 [an exaggeration]. Nonetheless, they are willingly and glad to help you with your assignment. Even though I haven’t used the full potential of these expertise, I am expected to in the future.
Which support centers have you utilized? I haven’t utilized any support centers besides the library — that isn’t support center though.
Have you joined a student club? Half yes-no. I planning to join the VITA Club however there is a process to that. In the near future, I plan to join the Archery Club.
Describe how using these resources for your team project has given you an edge in your other courses and your future success at Baruch.
The library and the databases are usually tools for success in college. While there are many other resources that I can use, I will be looking forward to using them in the future.
[The obvious] In other courses, many papers, that requires outside sources to support the thesis, are heavily depended on books and academic articles. Most of the time, the local libraries will not have all the resources that I need whereas Baruch Library has many books related to a course — a lot of old books.
Even though this team project for FRO did not require as much outside resources since most of the information are on the not-for-profit organization, the resources were helpful for the recitation team project which required a lot of outside resources.
How has your understanding of community service evolved as a result of your participation in the Project? Where do you see yourself in the next 3 years?
My understanding of community service evolved as a result of my participation in the Project [and before the Project]. Paraphrasing Mr. Medina’s words: It’s not all about the bread, it’s about the interaction. I remember hearing this before but it wasn’t about distributing food. It was about visiting the elders — I think someone brought that up before in class. Elders are glad to see youngsters because most of the time, family members don’t visit them and the elders want to talk with someone. Elders are interested in the seeing the bright smiles on the youngsters’ faces. For my first time talking with an elder, it was a fail. Most of the time, she misheard what I said. Oh well. It was a nice experience. We [the outreach program that I joined during freshmen year] wrote Christmas Cards to them. For [this] the Project, I learned that there are many different kind of others who need help or attention in a good way.
In three years, hopefully, I am still in the Honors Program. In three years, I want to see myself who had achieved in participating in many volunteer activities — hopefully a chance with animals.
November 3, 2011 at 11:58 pm · Filed under Assignment, Journal
What does it mean to serve your community?
What is your role in the Baruch and broader community as a Baruch Scholar in the Honors Program and what do you think it should be? How is this related to the culture of service the Honors Program promotes? {somehow I don’t think that I have answered the questions precisely}
{a bit of sarcastic mode going on and a bit of going off on an tangent}
I don’t remember all the “chores” (I may have used the wrong diction for this) that a Baruch Scholars should aim for but it sums up to: becoming an intellectual and a philanthropist (and obviously more). I agree that this is the achieving roles because this is indeed a way to maintain the status of a well-rounded scholar.
The role as a Baruch student, as well as a Baruch Scholar, is to achieve an intellectual insight and social understanding of society , as well as finding ways to contribute to the broader community. My role is a student who seeks to achieve such standards — though not as a forced-upon ideal but as a lookout to find myself and distinguish myself. A role of a Baruch Scholar is also to become an explorer.
Baruch Scholars are fortunate to have what they are given to them. But nothing is free and it should not viewed as free and it will never be free. In return, we need to give back to the community and to Baruch. Achieve at least some high GPA and do a lot of stuff for the community. Going back to what I have learn in philosophy class, it brings up a question of what makes someone more special than any other person. Not following the philosophy argument for this journal purpose, I believe that Baruch Scholars have the ability to give – time, action, awareness, etc. (Not just Baruch Scholars but anyone as well. It just Baruch Scholars have one less thing to worry about is the tuition.) Even though it seems like an — or it is an — obligation as a Baruch Scholar, I think whoever you are, you have to somehow be part of society. Whoever you are, try to get a good grade in class (but then you are not supposed to learn to get an A but learning for the sake of learning).
And definitely go volunteer for the experience and not for the hours and incentives — those may be a plus but never a reason volunteering. It may be easy to write this but actions are harder to implement. The requirement to volunteer is imposed upon Baruch students, so Scholars, who never volunteer before or is going to volunteer somewhere new, gets a taste of volunteering. It may not be what you want to do but you soon to love it — or hate it. But by the end of the day, you probably think it wasn’t so bad because you just survived the first day of volunteer. When I volunteered, I was glad and grateful that I was able to do my job and help a needy person to find his or her need.
I love to learn but I’m not necessarily smart — why?!?! I’m quite a lazy lass but it does not mean that I’m irresponsible. When (most) knowledge is free, why not take advantage to it. The real hard problems are containing it and applying it. Baruch Scholars must contain it and apply it to reality. Learn what you enjoy and learn where you can expand your knowledge. I have a love/hate relationship with writing but I still want to learn more about it and improve it.
I DON’T DENY MY ROLE AS A BARUCH SCHOLAR! and I don’t object it. I try my best to achieve the GPA — because it is a must and a need — and willingly to volunteer — except I want to try volunteering outside of United States.
The [Honor] program is committed to developing well-rounded individuals, engaged citizens, effective leaders, and graduates who are prepared for successful careers in all fields.
In order to develop that “well-rounded individuals, engaged citizens, effective leaders, and graduates who are prepared for successful careers in all fields”, Baruch Scholars are open to explore, especially becoming an engaging student.
Explore in mind and the realm of social responsibility — and explore safely and with respect. By exploring more, the students understand what they know what love and hate. They know their wants and disinterests. They know what they can go for and what they don’t want to end up with. Discover new people, and learn new facts and opinions. They may even find something that they hate can turn into love. Baruch Scholars make use of their capabilities and provide whatever is possible.
September 12, 2011 at 2:19 pm · Filed under Assignment, Journal
Where Have You Been and Where Are You Going?
My name is Manna Chang. I am the “quiet kid who sits in the back of the classroom”; however, that is not quite who I am. I am a person who choose to not talk because I can’t give an intellectual answer or a concise answer. My thoughts tend to jumble everywhere. Don’t worry, I do speak. But the nature of talking never developed throughout my childhood. I can say over the time, I met new people and made new friends, I changed a little bit. I don’t change a lot because this is who I am. If I open myself up to a person, then I am not a quiet or shy person. I tend to be loud and hyperactive however it is very hard to bring that part of myself out.
During high school, I made myself join the Academy of Finance at Fort Hamilton School and I was allowed to take many opportunities to learn more about the financial fields and to have an internship during the summers of 2010 and 2011. I am still the quiet kid at work because my first internship, I never get to stay in one location and my second internship, my desk was behind a pillar thus I can’t see anyone and no one can see me. (Side note: I love work but it doesn’t apply to school-related work.) As of now, it hasn’t been much of a jump but a big leap.
Even though I choose to follow a career path of becoming a accountant, I may still think of other majors to consider. Besides business, I always have interests in computer science and forensic science. I want to take two languages if that is possible. And study aboard to South Korea — for many reasons, it has nothing to do with love for Korean (pop) music/dramas even though I never really love Korean dramas, but I do watch them because I love how Korean actors and actress act.
For the time being, I have to worry about the speech that I have to present today. Even though, throughout my high school life, I did speeches and skits, I never overcome the fear of speaking in front of a group. Strange. And then there is Philosophy. A test tomorrow. But I am expecting to finish all my assignments before due date from this upcoming 5 days weekend.
My hopes are passing test and completing my assignment with 110% effort into it. There is a lot more hopes for this semester but it’s 1:15 AM and I can’t think anymore.
September 7, 2011 at 7:06 pm · Filed under About Me
Welcome to my Blogs@Baruch!
This is your first post. I’m still in the process of editing.
My name is Manna Chang. Chinese name: Ming-Lai hence the middle initial is M.
A Freshman. Class of 2015.
I am rather a boring person but I do enjoy companies. The problem is I won’t able to contribute any comments if I cannot relate to it sadly. I am a listener, not much of a talker. However I speak the truth and I am honest about what I say.
Hate List
1. Writing, especially when I don’t know what to write about
2. Stealing my food without asking
3. Lies
4. And more…
Love List
1. Food – Seafood in general, Japanese and Korean food on rare occasions because they are expensive.
2. Manga (Japanese graphic novel) – preferably Seinen and comedy
3. Japanese and (recently) Korean culture
4. Mind-boggling, twisted, mysterious, psychological related types of stories 🙂
5. Korean music
6. Watching Youtube videos of storm chasers chasing after tornados and supercell thunderstorm
7. And more…
What I Should Be Doing yet Don’t Do
1. Watching movies
2. Eliminating my procrastination habit
3. Develop a sense of interest to new things
4. Rediscovering my old interest
5. And More…