Assignment 3 – Final Project

The product I decided to choose for my final project is an updated prototype of the product I had designed in assignment 2. With limitations in mind, I decided to design a product, inspired by my grandmother’s needs, for individuals who face disabilities, specifically with mobility. My product, “The Calorie Puncher”, is a piece of exercise equipment with an emphasis to serve individuals with lower body limitations. The idea behind this product is that it will give these limited individuals an opportunity to take on the challenge of exercising in a way that is not overwhelming. Equipped with a progress tracking interface, the user will be able to record the length of their workouts, as well as the calories burned within the session. There are also three major additional features that allow for mobility and storage options, and intensity control. With the addition of wheels and folding technology, The Calorie Puncher has more storage possibilities and allows for the equipment to become mobile. A resistance dial also allows the user to control the intensity of the workout by turning it either up or down at any point in the workout.

Check out my product on YouTube: