Mispercpetions & Social Constructs

Socially Constructed Society

As stated in my previous assignments, we live in a world in which is made up of social constructs at least in my opinion. What i mean by this is that literally everything is what society makes of it. Today’s society is filled with differences in the way you think, interpret, analyze, and the way you go about things. Social constructs are used to uncover the ways in which individuals and groups participate in the creation of their perceived social reality. it involves looking at the ways social phenomena are created, institutionalized, and made into tradition by humans. A social constructed reality is one that is seen as an ongoing, dynamic process that is reproduced by people acting on their interpretation and their knowledge of it.

And in today’s world our identities all come down to society and how they view and perceive us. Yeah we all may have this idea of how we want to be perceived but of course the way we perceive ourselves isn’t going to be the way everyone else in this society looks at you.

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