Monthly Archives: November 2014

Framing in the Media

Draw upon the lecture and readings to describe how some prominent event or issue have been framed in the media.  Specifically, what frames have been used in which media outlets?  What do the frames draw attention to and what do they divert attention from?  What reframings have occurred?

Journalistic Frames

In his chapter, “News from Somewhere,” Carpini distinguishes between at set of frames used by “traditional journalists” and a set of frames used by “public journalists.”  According to him, traditional journalists take a view of the public rooted in the outlook of Walter Lippmann, and frame themselves as an elite presenting objective and strategic information to the public without taking positions on issues.   Public journalists, in contrast, frame themselves as being members of the community to which they are speaking, and present news as part of a conversation in which they do take positions on issues and attempt to solve problems.  Carpini see public journalism as being rooted in the outlook of John Dewey.

Suggest what you think are good examples of traditional and public journalism, and also some example of journalism that is not easily classified as either.  Drawing on these examples, describe what do you see as the advantages and disadvantages of public and traditional journalism.  You might also comment on whether the categories still useful in the contemporary media landscape.


Revision of FCC Media Ownership Rules

The FCC is supposed to review its media ownership rules every four years. Thus 2014 saw the beginning of another review process, a process which it not expected to be completed until 2016.  During nearly every review, the commission is pressured to relax media ownership rules, allowing for cross ownership and consolidation.  Recently, deregulation advocates have argued the FCC behaves as if the internet does not exist and that diversity of ownership  of broadcast media outlets a) is no longer as important as it was before the internet because the public can now access many sources of information and news without relying on traditional media sources, and b) media outlets must be further consolidated to compete with the internet.  These and other arguments about new rules for media ownership are summarized in this LA Times article that describes a recent House hearing on the subject.  Read this article, and this summary of current media ownership rules, and then state and support your opinion about whether or not it makes sense for the FCC to relax media ownership rules.