

Dolls are one of the scariest things from my childhood that I still find frightening to this day. I’m not talking about just any dolls, I’m talking about the ones that we see in movies. Those creepy old dolls that just sit in the corner of the room and then suddenly disappear. Something about these dolls just makes them so creepy. I’ve always wondered why kids would love playing with these things. The expressionless face of these dolls stare right at you, into your soul.

There are many movies that are noted for having a scary doll as the main monster. Chucky is a scary doll that is out to kill. Chucky is a doll that is possessed by the spirit of a serial killer. He constantly tries to kill humans to transfer his soul to their bodies. When I was little, Chucky would scare me a lot. I never watched the movie but I saw pictures and heard about it. The thought of these “innocent” looking dolls coming to kill me, frightened me.


In the Saw movies, the puppet named Billy is used by Jigsaw to talk to his test subjects. Billy is a clown-like puppet doll that rides a tricycle. Jigsaw, the man behind the puppet, uses Billy to describe the sadistic traps and trials that the test subjects must go through in attempts to survive. When I was little, Saw scared me a lot as well. The puppet’s face was scary and the fact that it moved on its own added to the effect. Jigsaw asks his test subjects if they want to play a game, which is what he calls the deadly scenarios the subjects are put in. These games are definitely no fun, and the puppet, Billy, isn’t as well.


Can dolls be considered monsters? Dolls are inanimate objects so how can they be called monsters? How about the dolls portrayed in movies? Those dolls are shown as killers and possessed by evil spirits to haunt and torture people. Can we consider the doll to be a monster, or the spirit that is controlling them? Regardless, all of these expressionless scary old time dolls are creepy.



When you think of Bigfoot, you get the image of a huge ape-like creature walking on two BIG feet roaming the forest. Whether you believe that this creature exists or not is up to you but there are many people who believe it does exist. Doing some research, I found out that there is an organization devoted to finding Bigfoot called The Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization. There are many reports of sightings and footprints but some believe that it isn’t enough evidence for this creature to be real. People are still trying to find the Bigfoot and uncover its mystery.

Is this mysterious beast considered a monster? First, we don’t even know if it exists. Second, the Bigfoot seems like a shy, friendly giant who is probably not dangerous so why are we scared of it? Is it because of its size? Or is it because of its mysteriousness? It seems as though this monster is hiding from humans rather than going after them. Actually, we are the ones looking for this monster so doesn’t that seem weird? If we are the ones hunting, are we the monsters? What if Bigfoot just wants to be left alone and all we’re doing is bothering it?

According to Carroll, Bigfoot would be a fusion monster combining a gorilla or ape with human mechanics. Bigfoot would also fall under magnification especially in the name BIGfoot with its unusually large feet leaving footprints behind. However, Carroll believes that monsters need to be threatening. Bigfoot may seem threatening but I don’t think it’s trying to be. The fact that it runs away and hides makes the creature seem more passive rather than aggressive. When we think of monsters, we think about something that is aggressive and is out to kill. However, Bigfoot is not looking for a fight, maybe it’s just looking for friends.


The Megalodon’s size in comparison to a Great White Shark

The Megalodon is the biggest prehistoric shark that has ever lived. This extinct sea monsters size is about 30 times that of the Great White Shark and has the most powerful bite of any creature that has ever lived. The Megalodon was also known as the King of the Sea, or even Sharkzilla. The name Megalodon, meaning giant tooth, was given to this sea monster for its teeth which were as big as 7 inches. They were used for eating huge sea creatures sometimes even bigger than the Megalodon itself such as giant whales. Fossils of these huge sea monsters have been found all over the world. No one knows why the Megalodon went extinct but some people still believe the huge shark still roams in the deep ocean. As if sharks were not scary enough, when I learned about the Megalodon, it made sharks look cute. When I was little, I didn’t like going in the water at the beach because I was afraid of sharks coming to eat me. After watching Finding Nemo it scared me even more knowing that sharks can smell blood and are attracted to it. Movies such as Jaws definitely didn’t help with my fear. I personally believe that sea monsters such as the Megalodon can still exist because of how vast the ocean is and how much of the ocean floor we have not explored and discovered. Who knows? There could be sea monsters bigger and scarier than the Megalodon.

Look at that smile

The topic of Megalodon and sea monsters raises a few questions. What counts as a monster? Is a monster someone or something that is out to kill you, or eat you? Or could a monster be an animal of tremendous size and strength? When children think of monsters, they think of the monster under the bed or the monster in the closet. What exactly classifies a monster as a monster? Do all monsters have the same characteristics?