
The Megalodon’s size in comparison to a Great White Shark

The Megalodon is the biggest prehistoric shark that has ever lived. This extinct sea monsters size is about 30 times that of the Great White Shark and has the most powerful bite of any creature that has ever lived. The Megalodon was also known as the King of the Sea, or even Sharkzilla. The name Megalodon, meaning giant tooth, was given to this sea monster for its teeth which were as big as 7 inches. They were used for eating huge sea creatures sometimes even bigger than the Megalodon itself such as giant whales. Fossils of these huge sea monsters have been found all over the world. No one knows why the Megalodon went extinct but some people still believe the huge shark still roams in the deep ocean. As if sharks were not scary enough, when I learned about the Megalodon, it made sharks look cute. When I was little, I didn’t like going in the water at the beach because I was afraid of sharks coming to eat me. After watching Finding Nemo it scared me even more knowing that sharks can smell blood and are attracted to it. Movies such as Jaws definitely didn’t help with my fear. I personally believe that sea monsters such as the Megalodon can still exist because of how vast the ocean is and how much of the ocean floor we have not explored and discovered. Who knows? There could be sea monsters bigger and scarier than the Megalodon.

Look at that smile

The topic of Megalodon and sea monsters raises a few questions. What counts as a monster? Is a monster someone or something that is out to kill you, or eat you? Or could a monster be an animal of tremendous size and strength? When children think of monsters, they think of the monster under the bed or the monster in the closet. What exactly classifies a monster as a monster? Do all monsters have the same characteristics?