Reference at Newman Library

Restrictions on Harvard Business Review Articles for Course Reserve

In case you hadn’t seen the notices that have been going up in various places lately (such as this one from the Baruch weekly e-news that just came in via email), faculty are being notified that due to licensing restrictions from Harvard Business School Press there are restrictions on use of articles from Harvard Business Review, which is exclusively available from ESBCO in Business Source Complete.

Here is the announcement from the weekly e-news:

Restrictions on Use of the Harvard Business Review
Baruch College faculty are advised that special restrictions regarding the use of the Harvard Business Review for course reserves have been put in place. The license agreement for the College’s digital version of the Harvard Business Review in EBSCOhost does not permit article-level linking from the database to course reserves, as the agreement does for all other publications in the database. This is a restriction imposed by the Harvard Business Review. As a result, the library cannot place articles from this journal on e-reserve. Faculty who assign articles from the Harvard Business Review in their courses may direct students to search for the article directly in the EBSCOhost database Business Source Complete. If you have any questions please contact the library’s access services department.