Reference at Newman Library

Three Ways to Get a List of Subsidiaries

A recent reference question forced me to re-learn how to find a list of subsidiary companies and their addresses. In the past, Corporate Affiliations was my go-to for this question, but now that that database is defunct, I had to look for other options. Here are three to try out:

Business Insights: Global

Once you find the detail page on a company, look for the “View Company Hierarchy” icon:

Screenshot of sample company detail page in Business Insights: Global

Reference Solutions

Look for the “Corporate Tree” icon on a company detail page:

Screenshot of company detail page in Reference Solutions

Uniworld Online

Thanks to Harold Gee for reminding me of this database! This one offers the most search options, info, and functionality (e.g., you can download results in an Excel file and have the foreign and domestic subsidiaries broken out separately).

Screenshot of Uniworld Online

UPDATE: See the comments to this blog post for more options, including “Corporate Affiliations” within the Nexis Uni database.

3 thoughts on “Three Ways to Get a List of Subsidiaries”

  1. You can obtain that information in other places too…let us count the ways or just reveal the other sources:)
    I typically make use of Mergent Online which also allows users to download the information under a heading appropriately labelled, “Subsidiaries” which includes a column on “Percent owned”.
    You can also get a list of subsidiaries in Factiva by clicking on “Corporate Family” after you look up a company.

  2. Thanks to Peggy and Ryan for correcting me on my take on Corporate Affiliations. While it is true that it is no longer available as a standalone database, the content is still discoverable within Nexis Uni, although getting to it there is not intuitive.

    1. Once in Nexis Uni, click “Menu” next to the Nexis Uni logo in the top left and choose “Company Dossier” from the drop down list that appears.

    2. Oddly, the page that loads no longer says “Nexis Uni” but instead “Nexis Dossier.” On this page, enter the name of the company, run the search, and click on the appropriate listing in the search results.

    3. On the company profile page, click “Company Overview” from the left-side navigation and then “CA Corporate Hierarchy” (CA = Corporate Affiliations).

    4. A hierarchical list of subsidiaries will appear that you can then download or use the “Generate Report” to add additional related content to. Note that this info does not include addresses for those firms unless you manually click through to view the details of each one.

    One more notable thing about the “Company Dossier” route in Nexis Uni. Once you get to step 3 above, there is also an option in the “Company Overview” section for “D&B Corporate Hierarchy.” You can see a demo of all of this in this quick, unnarrated video I made:

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