Reference at Newman Library

New Project MUSE Interface

This week, Project MUSE launched a major new overhaul of the interface (read the official press release). The most notable element of the new interface is that ebooks from university presses are now part of the site’s indexed content.

As in the case of JSTOR, we have not subscribed to all the collections in this database. Unlike JSTOR, the default search mode to search all of the content (as opposed to the default of only searching what you have licensed). When users search Project MUSE, they’ll see all sorts of content that we might not have in Project MUSE. SFX, though, is set up in Project MUSE, so users should look for a “Find it @ CUNY” link next to such items (sadly, the interface doesn’t allow us to have that text link accompanied by our usual Find It icon. Here’s a screenshot of what the SFX link looks like onĀ  a search results page:

If you want to limit your search to just the content that is immediately available to us in full text within Project MUSE, the only way to do that is AFTER you have run a search in a checkbox that appears on the left side of the search results page. Here’s a screenshot: