Reference at Newman Library

New URLs for All Oxford Products

This morning, I updated all the URLs to Oxford resources on our A-Z list:

  • Oxford Art Online (contains the Grove Dictionary of Art)
  • Oxford English Dictionary
  • Oxford Handbooks  Online (we only subscribe to some of the content)
  • Oxford Music Online (includes Grove Dictionary of Music)
  • Oxford Reference
  • Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication

If you encounter any issues connecting to these resources, please let me know.

This update from Oxford of URLs from HTTP to HTTPS is yet another example of a trend we’ve been seeing from our vendors over the past few years as they respond to larger movements in the web world to design more secure environments. Developers of web browsers have been adding more features to alert users to websites that use the less secure HTTP protocol and restricting some functionality only to sites that use HTTPS. At the same time, search engines have been tinkering with ranking algorithms to reward HTTPS-enabled sites and deprecate ones still using HTTP.