Reference at Newman Library

Change in Factiva Sources by Industry Option

Effective October 22, 2013, Factiva has revised the industry code hierarchy from 30 to 17 headings. While some of the former Source Groups will be moved into a new Source Group (i.e. “Computers/Electronics” will now be under “Technology” in the hierarchy), others will be eliminated altogether. The following is a list of the Source Groups removed and whether they have been moved into new ones:

Accounting and Consulting
Advertising and Public Relations
Aerospace and Defense
Banking and Credit (Now use new Business/Consumer Services and/or new Financial Services)
Clothing and Textiles (Now use new Retail/Wholesale)
Computers and Electronics (Now use new Technology and/or new Consumer Goods and/or new Industrial Goods)
Environment and Waste Management
Food, Beverage and Tobacco (Now use Consumer Goods)
Hotels, Restaurants and Casinos (Now use new Leisure/Arts/Hospitality)
Insurance (Now use new Financial Services)
Internet and Online Services
Investing/Securities (Now use new Financial Services)
Machinery and Industrial Goods (Now use new Industrial Goods)
Metals and Mining (For Metal Products, use new Industrial Goods)
Paper and Packaging
Pharmaceuticals (Now use new Health Care/Life Sciences)

These changes will significantly alter our student’s ability to conduct trade journal searches since many source groups have either been removed or changed in order to make it less explicit what new source group to search.

Look for additional changes to Sources by Industry which will take place on December 10.

New database: Simmons OneView

We recently acquired Simmons OneView, an online decision-making system intended to assist marketers with determining a wide range of potential marketing considerations through the customization of creating crosstab reports. Surveying US and local populations by asking questions about themselves (demographics and psychographics), products and services used, and media outlets accessed, the system allows marketers to pose a variety of questions to gauge marketing potential.

Aside from Adults, other studies available include Top 10 DMA, Teen, Kids, and Hispanics. With the most recent data being Fall 2010, there is a two year lag behind in data available to academic institutions versus corporate. Please note there is a limit to 5 users at a time.

For quick tutorials on using SimmonsOneView, consult the “Resources” section. Look for an announcement about training sessions to be organized in the coming weeks.

Gartner’s availability to students vs faculty/staff

There seems to be a problem with students gaining access to Gartner through the CUNY Portal. Last night a student logged in and was NOT presented with access to Gartner. However, when I logged in after, I was presented with a link to Gartner. This would seem to suggest there is a difference in who may be permitted access to Gartner, whereas faculty/staff may be given access while students may not have access. I have informed Mike Waldman about this problem which I presume will be investigated further.

What Model Calculators are being distributed?

I received an email reference question about what model calculators were being distributed and did not find this information anywhere in our signage throughout the library, at the library’s website or even in the reference wiki.
I updated the reference wiki to reflect this information and would suggest signage be revised to reflect this key information. This would avoid confusion with other types of calculators students may be interested in borrowing for the semester (i.e. financial calculators).

Introducing Mintel Oxygen and Global Market Navigator

Adding to the market research reports found in such databases as and Euromonitor, we have acquired Mintel Oxygen.

Mintel Oxygen reports and news commnetaries cover the UK, Europe, US and international consumer markets in such industries as food, beverage, apparel, beauty and personal, retail, travel and more.  Rather than provide a broad overview of such markets, Mintel reports are distinguished for offering insights on niche markets which are often difficult for researchers to obtain, let alone carve out.

As a complementary product, Mintel Global Market Navigator (GMN), offers ready access to global industry data and country socio-economic information in downloadable formats for users to easily grab and incorporate in their reports.

Please share these widely with Baruch faculty and students global consumer market and industry data or country socio-economic information.

Introducing eMarketer

eMarketer is an aggregator of marketing research related to online marketing and e-commerce.  Information from different sources is evaluated by a process through which such information is weighed and analyzed.  By distilling thousands of facts and opinions into comprehensible reports and comparative estimates, eMarketer gives users the most complete view of the digital world available.

Global, current and projection information is available on such topics as Advertising & Media Usage, B2B, Consumers & E-commerce, Demographics, Email, Industries, Mobile, Online Searching, Social Media, and Video in the form of reports, articles, interview, virtual roundtables and webinars.

As seems to be an increasing trend among many new database platforms, all information is easily downloadable in useful formats such as xls, pdf and even charts.

Training sessions will be organized in the fall semester 2011, but I encourage you to familiarize yourself with this new database and consider it when making recommendations to students/faculty interested in online marketing and e-commerce.

Trial of Euromonitor’s Passport Dashboards

I’m delighted to announce that Euromonitor International has unveiled a new tool called Passport Dashboards. This is a trial with our account and feedback should be sent to me and/or Michael Waldman.


What are Dashboards? Dashboards are an interactive extension of the data contained in Passport GMID.  Dashboards allow users/students to visualize the socioeconomic, demographic and industry data in Passport GMID.


You can access the Dashboards one of two ways.  First, you can locate Dashboards on the main toolbar next to Countries & Consumers.  The Dashboards can also be found on the individual pages of the Industries and Countries & Consumers tabs.

Baruch also has temporary access to our Passport Industrial reports.  The Industrial reports examine the industrial makeup of 9 of the largest economies in the world.  The reports are astonishingly detailed as we break each economy into 177 industry sectors that comprise total GDP.  Sectors are classified according to ISIC Code.  Topics analyzed include industry attractiveness, buyer & supplier power, the competitive environment, the role of imports & exports, etc.

You can locate the Passport Industrial reports under the Industries tab.

Thanks for your feedback during this trial!