Reference at Newman Library

MLA Moving to Ebsco

You may have noticed on the databases page that there are now links for MLA through both Gale and Ebsco. As of January, Ebsco will have exclusive rights to MLA, and Gale will no longer offer it. Ebsco will offer a full-text version of MLA, but so far we do not have access to that. CUNY Central is providing access and we may get full text at some point.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Reference Desk Computer

The computer on the front left side of the desk as you sit down (the one next to the phone) seems to be infected with some kind of adware. It was blocking me from using various programs. I sent in a request to the help desk, but wanted to let everyone know that right now it’s not really usable.

New York Times access

I was teaching a couple of sections of English 2100 yesterday, and the professor wanted the students to search for newspaper articles, among other things. When they find articles in databases like Academic Search Premier, the “Find It” link brings them to a Factiva or Lexis Nexis search page. I was able to help them get what they needed, but they were confused when they came to another search box. Have other people encountered this? I know we can search the Times directly, but it would be helpful for the students if the link brought them to the article.

Databases for Surveys and Polls

I have an email question from a faculty member about surveys and polls in Lexis Nexis. She wrote that there used to be more surveys and polls there, but they seem to be gone now.  I saw that the Gallup polls are there, but she said there used to be more than that.

Frank and Linda suggested the ICPSR and Tablebase databases as other places she could go. Does anyone else have suggestions?