Reference at Newman Library

New Subscription: Rosetta Stone

We now have two services that offer online language instruction: Mango Languages and Rosetta Stone. Rosetta Stone offers 30 different languages. Getting started in Rosetta Stone requires a few steps which are a bit out of the ordinary:

  1. Go to the link to it on our A-Z list of databases or on the languages databases page
  2. If you’re off campus, you’ll get our usual EZproxy login page requiring a Baruch username and password.
  3. Once you pass through authentication, you’ll see a Rosetta Stone login page that also has an EBSCO logo (EBSCO helps provide access to Rosetta Stone even though the two are separate companies)
  4. On the Rosetta Stone login page, first-time users will have to pick a user name and password and also choose which language they’ll study
  5. After you sign in on the Rosetta Stone page, you get a landing page titled “Rosetta Stone Language Learning Suite” on which you can do a couple of different things:
    1. check your browser’s compatibility with the service using the “First Time Users” link
    2. go straight to the language lessons using the “Launch Rosetta Stone Language Lessons Version 3” link

Our subscription to Rosetta Stone is limited to “Level 1” only, although that does seem like it is pretty substantial once you get into it.