Reference at Newman Library

Tour of the New Reference Wiki

Over the summer, an assistant in the reference office, Moon-Seok King, helped us migrate all the wiki pages from the reference wiki from PBworks (a free, hosted wiki service we had been using for over four years) to Confluence (wiki software that the college has bought and installed on a server here on campus). As of now, you can begin using the reference wiki at this new location:

You will want to bookmark this URL on your own computer so you can easily return to the wiki. Today, I’ll make sure that the link on the browser toolbars on the reference desk computers goes to this version of the wiki. This means that you should now rely on the new version of the wiki and not the old (I’ll delete the old wiki from PBworks very soon).

I’ve created a video tour of the new wiki that shows you how to:

  • log in (same user name and password that you use to login to computers here on campus)
  • search for content (there is a search box in the upper right corner)
  • edit a page (look for the “Edit” button in the upper right corner of any page)
  • log out

At the next ISD meeting, I hope to talk a bit more again about the new home of the wiki.