(Minute 5:40 – 8:35) I chose this video because I liked how he describes the perspectives of different people about the story. Also, I liked how he describes the different themes in the story. This video made me understand why Bartleby is so disobedient.

Bartleby the Scrivener tells the story of an optimistic lawyer faced with a “hard to work with” employee named Bartleby. Not long after starting his job, Bartleby moves into the office, stops doing most of his work, and answers the lawyer’s every request with, “I would prefer not to” which is the main theme of the story.

In my opinion, Bartleby is a person I would not like to work with because he does not contribute to the team, and is not willing to take additional tasks to help his co-workers. I would not feel comfortable working with someone that every time he is assigned a task he will respond back saying “I would prefer not to.” Instead of participating in the execution of his responsibilities, Bartleby constantly refuses to do his job properly. But, what does Bartleby behavior represents? This story is connected with civil disobedience because the main character is expressing his disapproval with the administrative mechanisms and the established norms in society. Based on the story Bartleby, the Scrivener by Herman Melville, the lawyer said:

“I sat awhile in perfect silence, rallying my stunned faculties. Immediately it occurred to me that my ears had deceived me, or Bartleby had entirely misunderstood my meaning. I repeated my request in the clearest tone I could assume. But in quite as clear a one came the previous reply, “I would prefer not to.”
“Prefer not to,” echoed I, rising in high excitement, and crossing the room with a stride. “What do you mean? Are you moon-struck? I want you to help me compare this sheet here take it,” and I thrust it towards him.
“I would prefer not to,” said he.”

In this part of the story, we clearly notice how Bartleby does not want to do what his boss assigned him, which is a way of showing civil disobedience in the workplace. In my opinion, capitalism is the reason why Bartleby can not have a better job, which made him stay working as a scrivener.