The Arts in New York City

A Visit From the Goon Squad Post


Chandani Ramkishun

Professor Hoffman


December 6, 2016

A Visit from the Good Squad

Prompt 1:

Jennifer Egan constructed this novel in a unique way that, often at times, made the storyline a little difficult to follow. What makes this narrative structure difficult is that it isn’t flowing continuously. Instead, it jumps from story to story which makes it hard to keep track. There is no clear chronological order to make the novel easy to understand. Each story discusses a new character or recurring characters at different stages in their lives. The novel also flip-flops in setting. The first chapter is present day Sasha then the second chapter is present day Bennie. The third chapter however flips to younger, teenage Bennie. We learn about his love life and friends Scotty, Alice, Jocelyn, and Rhea, who he was in a band with. Chapter four was also hard to follow because it was set up into three parts and also jumped from past to present and introduced more characters such as Mindy, Charlene, and Rolph. The last few chapters fast forward to the present day characters. The narrators also change. For example, in Chapter 12 the narrator is Alison, Sasha’s daughter. Overall, it was hard to follow the order because I couldn’t tell what was the past and what was the present, especially when it came to Bennie because the story mostly revolved around him at various random points. However, this form of narrative was helpful in understanding the progression of the characters and their overall development. We see Bennie to grow up to be a successful movie producer and married to Sarah but also becoming a cheater. We also get to see how Sasha battled her struggles with drugs and a violent, absent father but managed to become a loving mother to her two kids.

Prompt 3:

Sasha shows some similarities to Maggie from Maggie Girl of the Streets. Both Sasha and Maggie ran away from their homes. Sasha ran away at seventeen while in Naples and Maggie ran away at a young age in New York City. Also both female characters struggled on the streets once they ran away. Sasha turned to drugs to compensate for her pain and at the end of Maggie’s story we learn that she becomes a prostitute on the streets. Furthermore, both characters lacked a strong father figure. Sasha’s father, Andy, was violent and abusive. He left her when she was only six years old and wanted nothing to do with her. Ted, Sasha’s uncle, tells the readers that Sasha’s father did not hold back his violence even in public when they went to the beach. Maggie’s father was also aggressive and abusive, constantly yelling in their house. Both protagonists had undesirable childhoods and homes that made them leave to start a new life. Some differences include that Maggie was kicked out by her mother and brother for falling in love with Pete. Another difference is that Sasha experiences a semi happy ending with Drew and her children, whereas Maggie is still on the streets, alone. She breaks her bad habits to settle down in life. Maggie loses her love, Pete, to another woman.


Music Posting Assignment

Chandani Ramkishun


Song: “Autumn in New York” by Billie Holiday

YouTube Link:


This song is about the inviting atmosphere that arises when the season changes to fall in New York. The song was composed by Vernon Duke in 1934 for the musical “Thumbs Up!”. It was recorded by Charlie Parker, Billie Holiday, Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, and more. Billie Holiday came out with her version in 1952. This song was part of her album, “The Unforgettable.”

The song is so intriguing because it takes a different take on New York City. The lyrics are about love and being home rather than to tackle the obvious tall buildings, skyscrapers and busy people.

“It’s autumn in New York transforms the slums into Mayfair

Autumn in New York, you’ll need no castle in Spain

Lovers that bless the dark

On benches in Central Park

Greet autumn in New York,

It’s good to live it again”

I like these lines because it takes a new perspective of autumn. She sings of how New York is transformed. It is no longer a polluted slum city because the leaves of autumn turn it into a beauty. New York is one of the few cities that experiences all four seasons every year, so Billie sings of how great it is to experience it year after year. She even sings about the romantic couples in Central Park who stroll by the natural view of the city.

Another line I liked was:

“It’s autumn in New York that brings the promise of new love.

Autumn in New York is often mingled with pain.

Dreamers with empty hands may sigh for exotic lands;”

This line caught my attention because New York is a romantic city yet it also has stories of people experiencing pain. There are all types of people in New York, the lovers, the people with pain, and the dreamers who strive to start a new life in New York autumn.


To me this song could not have taken place in any other city because it revolves around the season of fall. New York City has a clear order of the four seasons and shows off its beauty with its lavishing iconic parks, such as Central Park, as mentioned in the song lyrics. Billie Holiday transforms the song into a soothing, sultry number with her short range. She keeps the song slow along with the piano in the background, making you listen to her every note. The song is different because you cannot tap to it. It is a jazz song with little background instruments. Unlike other jazz songs, this one is more laid back and has a relaxing flow.

Droll Dutch Genre Painting

Washington Irving’s depictions of life in New York in the 17th and 18th centuries share the sensibility of Dutch genre painting in the same period.  Dutch painters in this period, which is sometimes referred to as the Golden Age of Dutch painting because it is the age of such renown painters as Rembrandt and Vermeer, painted scenes of everyday life  called “genre paintings” in addition to portraits, landscapes, and mythological subjects.  Genre paintings are “droll”: they often humorously characterize and mock their subjects, exaggerating negative features and qualities in a way that is similar to what Irving does in many of his stories.  Below are examples of a couple a number of Dutch genre paintings that are quite could almost be scenes out of Knickerbocker’s History and  “Dolph Heylinger.”

“Rhetoricians at the Window,” Jan Steen circa 1665.


“The Doctor’s Visit,” Jan Steen circa 1665.

Transcendentalism and Romanticism

Transcendentalism was an American philosophical movement set into motion by Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882).   It was one of a number of “Romantic” movements of the nineteenth century–which included the romantic poetry of Byron and Shelly, the religious mysticism of The Oxford Movement and the popularity of neo-gothic architecture–which turn away from the rationalism of the Enlightenment and sought out sublime experiences in which the individual was over-awed by the grandeur of nature and the divine.  The core idea of transcendentalism is nowhere better stated that in this excerpt from Emerson 1836 essay “Nature.”

The influence of transcendentalism can be seen in the work Walt Whitman and the park-scapes of Fredrick Law Olmsted.  The painting of the Hudson River School artists and the writings of Washing Irving also are harmonious with the aesthetics of romanticism and transcendentalism.

Return to the Sunlight and Shadow session.