Love is Louder Campaign Inspires Supporters

Through her Love is Louder campaign, it seems that starlet Demi Lovato is hoping she will not be another Lindsay Lohan, known for her struggles in rehab.

Now equipped with the words “Stay Strong” tattooed on her wrists and a new hit single, Lovato has pulled herself up using the Love is Louder campaign through battles with bulimia and being checked into a health center.

The Love is Louder campaign has been both an inspiration and support for teens who share similar struggles as Lovato.

Though the campaign was started by actress Brittany Snow, MTV and the Jed Foundation, Lovato has recently come on as a supporter with Seventeen magazine.

While Lovato was getting help, Seventeen magazine got letters from young girls that confessed how they cut themselves and developed eating disorders in order to deal with the feeling of being overwhelmed.

We were looking for a way to help the girls cope,” said Seventeen Senior Editor, Jane Bianchi.

The campaign has given teens such as Ashley Heard hope that she is not alone. She said she felt grateful that she wasn’t the only one feeling the way she did.

“It made me appreciate the people around me, and appreciate the situation I’m in,” the 15-year-old said.

A fan of Lovato’s and the campaign, Ashley heard about the fact that Lovato was bullied during school because girls thought she was fat. Lovato developed an eating disorder soon after.

According to Bianchi, Seventeen wanted to start something that would shed light on the issues girls experienced and support them. The magazine, along with the Jed Foundation, heard about Lovato’s struggles, and decided to contact her publicists with the idea about the campaign because they thought she would be a good role model for teens due to her recent issues.

Once published, the story reached millions.

The story just didn’t happen in the magazine,” Bianchi said. “It was viral.”

Once the story hit, a multitude of teens began following the campaign through social media sites. The campaign’s Facebook page alone has more than 70,000 fans. Celebrities such as Miley Cyrus, Colton Haynes and all the nominated Miss Americas have uploaded pictures of themselves with the Love is Louder symbol.

By the time the campaign became especially popular, teens followed celebrities’ footsteps and photographed themselves with ‘Love is Louder than the Pressure to be Perfect’ written on their hands.

Fifteen-year-old Kinyanna Evans said, “I would take a picture of my hands. I’m [Lovato’s] biggest fan.”

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