
The Pirandello Society of America is a membership organization
dedicated to the study of Luigi Pirandello’s work and its impact on modern literature and theatre.

We hold annual meetings as an Allied Organization of the Modern Language Association,
sponsor readings and performances of Pirandello works
and publish a journal, PSA, the Pirandello Society Annual.

PSA, in publication since 1985, is distributed to libraries and members of the Society.
PSA editors welcome articles, performance and play reviews, documents and essays pertaining to the work of Luigi Pirandello.

Become a member: join us!

Jana O’Keefe Bazzoni and Michael Subialka

John DiGaetani

Board of Directors

Jana O’Keefe Bazzoni
Stefano Boselli
Janice Capuana
Samantha Costanzo Burrier
Mimi Gisolfi D’Aponte
John Louis DiGaetani
Mario Fratti
Lisa Sarti
Michael Subialka
Kurt Taroff (Europe)
Susan Tenneriello

Honorary Board

Stefano Albertini
Eric Bentley
Robert Brustein
Marvin Carlson
Enzo Lauretta
Maristella Lorch
John Martello

PSA The Journal of the Pirandello Society of America

Susan Tenneriello, Senior Editor
Michael Subialka, Editor
Samantha Costanzo Burrier and Lisa Sarti, Assistant Editors
Julianne VanWagenen, Managing Editor

Editorial Board, PSA

Angela Belli
Daniela Bini
John DiGaetani
Antonio Illiano
Umberto Mariani
Olga Ragusa
John Welle


Stefano Boselli