Call for Submissions
PSA XXXII (2019)
Co-editors: Lisa Sarti and Michael Subialka
PSA, the journal of the Pirandello Society of America, is happy to announce its call for submissions for our upcoming issue (volume 32, which will be printed in spring 2020). The journal is interested in and publishes on not only the work of Luigi Pirandello but also the broader context of modernist theatre, literature, and culture in which he operated. The editors are pleased to consider submissions that fall within this field and invite comparative and interdisciplinary contributions. PSA is a peer-reviewed journal, and submissions are sent to readers anonymously for expert review.
Article submissions should generally be between 5,000 and 10,000 words, follow MLA formatting, and can be made via email (send an anonymized word document with separate cover sheet including personal information) to: The submission deadline for this issue is January 20, 2020. Questions for the editors can be directed to the email address above.
In addition to article submissions, PSA seeks submissions that would fit into its other sections:
- Interviews for publication in the journal’s “In Conversation” section. We are happy to accept submissions consisting of interviews with directors, actors, filmmakers, translators, or other artists who work on Pirandello or who connect themselves to Pirandellian themes.
- New translations of Pirandello’s work or relating to Pirandello’s work.
- Original creative work inspired by or relating to Pirandello.
- Finally, the journal also publishes book and performance reviews relating to Pirandello and encourages submissions of any relevant reviews to the editors.
We are happy to accept submissions for these on a rolling basis. These submissions can likewise be made via email (as a word document) to:
We look forward to reading your submissions,
Lisa Sarti and Michael Subialka
Co-editors, PSA