PSA Journal and Calls for Articles

PSA, the Pirandello Society Annual journal is distributed to members of the Pirandello Society of America and institutional subscribers. Become a member.

For summaries of recent issues, click here.

PSA submission guidelines:

Use the current MLA Style Manual (references in the text, minimal endnotes, Works Cited following the endnotes) for articles of 10-20 MS pages and reviews of 2-3 MS pages.
Use minimal formatting.
Manuscripts will be screened in a peer review process by at least two readers.

Submit an electronic copy formatted in Word (.doc or .docx) with a separate cover page giving the author’s name and contact information.  Give no self-identifying information in any portion of the text.
Submit an e-mail attachment with subject line:  PSA 20xx.

Please address electronic submissions to: by July 31 of each year.