PSA Vol. XXXI (2018)
Lisa Sarti and Michael Subialka – Editors’ Note, 7-12
In Memoriam: George Hochfield, Remembered by Eileen Gardiner, 15-16
– Pirandello and Translation: A Conversation across the Field. Jacob Blakesley, Julie Dashwood, Enza De Francisci, Joe Farrell, Jane House, Jennifer Lorch, Michael Rössner, Elisa Segnini, Alessandra Sorrentino, Mary Ann Frese Witt, and Martha Witt in conversation with Lisa Sarti and Michael Subialka, 19-51
– Dissolving Identity, Again: The Re-Publication of Pirandello’s One, No One, and One Hundred Thousand. Eva Richter in conversation with Michael Subialka, 53-59
– Devising Pirandello
Jennifer Jewell and Patrick Mulryan in conversation with Jana O’Keefe Bazzoni, 61-81
Hellas and Pirandello (Ελλάς και Πιραντέλλο) by Kostas Ouranis, translated by Mara Theodoritsi, 83-87
Wedding Night (Prima notte) by Luigi Pirandello, translated by Steve Eaton, 89-97
Interviews with Characters (Colloquii coi personaggi) by Luigi Pirandello, translated by Steve Eaton, 99-113
Pirandello and Jenny: Almost Face to Face, Franco Sepe translated by Daniela Bini, 115-129
John L. DiGaetani. Pirandello in NYC: “Raison d’être: An Evening of Pirandello,” 131-132
Marta Fumi. “Senza l’amore non saria mondo il mondo”: Nuova edizione delle Elegie romane di Goethe nella traduzione di Luigi Pirandello, con testo tedesco a fronte e commento. Milan: EDUCatt, 2017. Anna Klaß, 135-139
Enza De Francisci. A ‘New’ Woman in Verga and Pirandello: From Page to Stage. Oxford: Legenda, 2018, Patricia Gaborik, 141-144
PSA Vol. XXX (2017)
Michael Subialka – Editor’s Note 5-8
Stefano Giannini – Pirandello and Satire: The Imaginary Journey of Four Authors in Search of a Character According to Charles Kenneth Scott Moncrieff (1889-1930) 11-26
Laura Lucci – Pirandellian Post-Truth: Humor and Resistance 29-51
Mara Theodoritsi – Luigi Pirandello as Master Pedro in his Theater of Puppets: A Pirandellian Reading of Miguel de Cervantes’s Master Pedro Episode 57-64 53-77
Ana Ilievska – Giants in the Windy City 79-86
Mimi D’Aponte – A Noble Experiment 89-91
Luigi Pirandello. Henry IV. Translated by Martha Witt and Mary Ann Frese Witt. New York: Italica Press, 2016. (Mira Felner) 93-95
Selected Poems of Luigi Pirandello. Translated by George Hochfield. New York: Italica Press, 2016. (John Louis DiGaetani) 97-98
Giuseppe Faustini. Luigi Pirandello: studi e ricerche. Fano, Italy: Metauro, 2017. (Stefano Boselli) 101-103
Sharon Portnoff – Limes from Sicily 105-106
PSA Vol. XXIX (2016)
Michael Subialka – Editor’s Note 7-10
Enrico Vettore – Approximation to Nirvana: From Intellectual Speculation to Zen Non-Philosophy in Pirandello’s Uno nessuno e centomila 13-29
Francesca Facchi – The Birth of Pirandello’s Tragedy: Nietzsche in the Mountain Giants 31-55
Dacia Maraini on Luigi Pirandello. Dacia Maraini in conversation with Lisa Sarti 57-64
“I’m as obscure as Pirandello is famous:” An Interview with Playwright Howard Colyer. In conversation with Lisa Tagliaferri and Michael Subialka67-71
Adapting Pirandello: Adam Siegel, Translator and Adaptor of La patente for the Art Theatre of Davis, May 2016. In conversation with Michael Subialka 73-79
A Conversation with Director Gabriele Lavia: A Pirandello Trilogy for a World without Tragedy. In conversation with Jana O’Keefe Bazzoni 81-96
Stefano Boselli – Wrong End of the Telescope: A Pirandellian Adaptation across Time and Gender 99-101
Alberto Godioli. Laughter from Realism to Modernism: Misfits and Humorists in Pirandello, Svevo, Palazzeschi and Gadda. Oxford: Legenda, 2015. (Roberto Bonci) 103-106
Dario Tomasello. Eduardo e Pirandello: Una questione “familiare” nella drammaturgia italiana [Eduardo and Pirandello: A family matter in Italian dramaturgy]. Rome: Carocci Editore, 2014. (Laura Lucci) 109-115
Judd Lear Silverman – Best Laid Plans (winner of the PSA prize for original one-act play) 117-154
Adam Esquenazi Douglas – Wrong End of the Telescope 157-166
Paola Basile – The Man with the Flower in His Mouth: A Creative Adaptation for the Classroom 169-185
PSA Vol. XXVIII (2015)
Michael Subialka – Editor’s Note 5-9
Elisa Segnini – Encounters and Blind Spots: Pirandello, Evreinov, and Brecht 11-36
Sylvia Hakopian – Transforming Identity: Self and Persona in Luigi Pirandello’s Il fu Mattia Pascal 39-66
Agnès Dengreville – The Crisis of Signs and Representation in Luigi Pirandello’s Trilogy 69-93
Marialaura Simeone – A Bat Times Two: Il pipistrello, Luigi and Stefano Pirandello’s Cinematic Project, from Stage to Urban Scene 95-114
Anna Gordon – Director’s Note: Staging ‘Mirror-Structures’ in Six Characters in Search of an Author 117-129
Matthew Mild – Doubt and Distancing from Frames to Shapes: Fausto Pirandello’s Eclectic Paintings Exhibited in London (Estorick Collection, July 8 – September 6, 2015) 131-133
Lisa Sarti – Carlo Di Lieto. Luigi Pirandello pittore. Venice: Marsilio, 2012. 135-139
Luciana Grifi, translated by Daniela Bini. Dialogo immaginario tra Luigi Pirandello e il figlio Fausto / Imaginary Dialogue between Luigi Pirandello and His Son Fausto 140-162
PSA Vol. XXVII (2014)
Michael Subialka – Editor’s Note 7-11
Elisa Segnini – “Continental Air”: Performing Identity in “Leonora, addio!,” L’aria del continente, and Questa sera si recita a soggetto 13-43
Paolo Campolonghi – La canzone dell’amore: Adapting Pirandello to Fascist Propaganda 45-61
Alessia Palanti – Scripting “il cielo di carta”: The Men behind the Curtain in Paolo and Vittorio Taviani’s Cesare deve morire 63-81
Laura A. Lucci – Pirandello’s Humor and the Intersections of Translation and Dramaturgy 83-99
Anne-Marie Creamer with Lesley G. Sullivan – Pirandello’s Unrealized Film, Treatment for Six Characters: An Interview with Film Director and Artist Anne-Marie Creamer 101-115
Anna Santucci – Tonight We Improvise in Providence, Translated and Directed by Rebecca Maxfield 117-122
Thomas Graff – Reality Theater: Staging Film in the University of Notre Dame’s Six Characters in Search of an Author 125-128
Suzanne Epstein – Six Characters in Brooklyn 131-133
Krysta Dennis – Mattia Pascal: The Man Who Lived – A Multi-vocal Exploration of Pirandello’s Anti-novel 135-139
Lisa Sarti – Alessandra Sorrentino. Luigi Pirandello e l’altro. Una lettura critica postcoloniale [Luigi Pirandello and the Other. A Postcolonial Reading]. Rome: Carocci Editore, 2013. 141-145
Michael Subialka – Michael Rössner and Alessandra Sorrentino, eds. Pirandello e la traduzione culturale [Pirandello and Cultural Translation]. Rome: Carocci Editore, 2012. 147-150
PSA Vol. XXVI (2013)
Editor’s Note 7-10
Nicoletta Pireddu – Anthropology on Screen: Luigi Pirandello, Virginia Woolf 13-31
Enza De Francisci – A Different Leone: From Memmo to Leone 33-48
Joseph Luzzi – Sister Arguments: Pirandello’s “Shoot!” and the Birth of Film 51-69
Michael Subialka – Pirandello’s Mother: Feminine Perception and Double Vision 71-95
Miriam Aloisio and Michael Subialka – “A Conversation with My Mother”: Translation of Luigi Pirandello’s “Colloquii coi personaggi” 97-107
Tanya Ronder – Pirandello and Liolà: Son of Chaos 109-113
Jane House – Liolà at the National Theatre, London 115-120
Stefano Boselli – S16 – Luna Nera by Pioneers Go East Collective: An Interview with Artistic Director Gian Marco Lo Forte 123-129
Samantha Costanzo Burrier – A Giant Success: A Staged Reading of The Giants of the Mountain 131-137
Carlo Giuliano – (Un)–Just Like That–Pirandello’s Brush With America’s Scalding Pot 139-144
Chiara Mariani. Umberto Mariani. La donna in Pirandello. L’estrema vittima. Caltanissetta-Roma: Salvatore Sciascia Editore, 2012. 147-150
Mimi Gisolfi D’Aponte – Homeland Security 153-165
PSA Vol. XXV (2012)
Stefano Boselli and Samantha Costanzo, Editors’ Note 5-7
Bonnie Marranca – Pirandello: A Work in Progress 9-34
Jana O’Keefe Bazzoni – Adolf Lantz and Saul C. Colin: Pirandello’s Collaborators for a Film Version of Six Characters in Search of an Author 37-48
Jana O’Keefe Bazzoni (trans.) – The Prologue to a Screen Adaptation of Six Characters 51-54
Marie Bridget Dundon, Julia Goldstein, Hillary Miller – Pirandello in One Act: A Festival at The Players 57-69
Michael Subialka – Six Characters, Alive on the Chicago Stage 71-75
Susan Tenneriello – Dancing Pirandello: David Gordon’s Beginning Of The End Of The . . . 77-81
Stefano Boselli – Luigi Pirandello. Pirandello’s Theatre of Living Masks: New Translations of Six Major Plays. Translated by Umberto Mariani and Alice Gladstone Mariani. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2011. 83-88
PSA Vol. XXIV (2011)
Susan Tenneriello – Editor’s Note 5-7
Society News 9
In Memoriam 11-12
Lisa Sarti – “Pirandello, O’Neill, and the Mediation of Race: A Musical Comedy for Broadway” 15-41
Stefano Boselli – “Clothes (Don’t) Make the (Wo)Man: Costume as Mask and Identity in Enrico IV and Nostra Dea” 43-62
Jane House – Aquila Theatre’s Production of Six Characters in Search of an Author and Interview with Director Desiree Sanchez 65-73
Mimi Gisolfi D’Aponte – On Chaos in Abu Dhabi: Working Through Pirandello 75-81
Pietro Frassica and Mimi Gisolfi D’Aponte – “Letter Dialog” of Luigi Pirandello and Marta Abba Adapted from Pietro Frassica’s Her Maestro’s Echo: Pirandello and the Actress who Conquered Broadway in One Evening 83-91
PSA Vol. XXIII (2010)
Susan Tenneriello – Editor’s Note 5-6
Stefano Boselli – The Pirandello Society’s website at 7-9
Michael Subialka – Vital Theater: Pirandello, Marinetti, and Lebenphilosophie 11-41
Samantha Costanzo – Pirandello, Theosophy and the Tantalus Syndrome 43-69
Nadine Wassef – Garibaldi and Sicily in Pirandello’s L’esclusa 71–85
Henry IV, Classic Stage Company, November 2009 (Meghan Duffy) 87-88
Staging Her Maestro’s Echo: An Evening with Pietro Frassica’s Latest Book (Lisa Sarti) 89-91
Her Maestro’s Echo: Pirandello and the Actress Who Conquered Broadway in one Evening by Pietro Frassica (Jane House) 93-95
PSA Vol. XXII (2009)
Antonio Illiano, trans. – Pirandello’s L’Umorismo, Part I: “The Word Humor” 11-19
Umberto Mariani – Pirandello and the Integrity of the Created Text 21-29
Susan Tenneriello – Pirandellian Specters in Contemporary Practice: Six Characters in Search of an Author, Interactive Media, and Performance 31-40
James Troiano – Pirandellism and Social Satire in Ferretti’s Farsa de las farsas 43-54
Janice Capuana – The Pirandello Effect 57-58
Frank Rosengarten – A Workmanlike Reading of Pirandello’s Right You Are! (If You Think You Are) 61-63
Kathryn Wylie-Marques – Marta Abba and Pirandello 65-69
Living Masks: The Achievement of Pirandello by Umberto Mariani 71-73 (Stefano Giannini)
Stages of Struggle by John Louis DiCaetani 75-78 (Elizabeth Coen)
PSA Vol. XXI (2008)
Florin Berindeanu – How Form and Content Contain Laughter
Umberto Mariani – The Ethical Essence of “Umorismo”
Paola Casella – L’umorismo and Female Portraits: Between Theory and Fiction
Michael Syrimis – The Humoristic Lens in Pirandello’s Si gira
Lidia Ciccone – On Humor strategies in It is so! (If you think so)
James Nikopoulos – Complexities of the Mask, Enrico IV & J.Alfred Prufrock
Kurt Taroff – Six Characters Lost in a Rewrite
Franco Zangrilli, Pirandello: Presenza varia e perenne (Stefano Giannini)
Joseph Farrell and Paolo Puppa eds. History of Italian Theatre, Cambridge University Press (Marvin Carlson)
PSA Vol XVIII (2005)
Featuring articles by Rosemarie La Valva, Kurt Taroff, Marella Feltrin-Morris, Giuseppe Faustini, James Troiano, Alfonso D’Emilio, Mimi Gisolfi D’Aponte, Roger W. Oliver.
PSA Vol XVII (2004) SPECIAL TOPIC ISSUE -Il fu Mattia Pascal
The Pirandello Society Annual, PSA announces the publication of a special topic issue devoted to Pirandello’s 1904 novel, Il fu Mattia Pascal, and related works, including film and stage adaptations.
PSA Volume XVII, 2004: Featuring Photo Essays and articles by Daniela Bini, Dominique Budor, Vincenzo Caruso, Daniela Castelli, Enzo Lauretta, Massimo Lollini, Umberto Mariani, Carmela Scala, Alessandro Tinterri.
PSA Volume XVI, 2003
Umberto Mariani – On the Alleged Misogny of Luigi Pirandello
Giovanni R. Bussino – Pirandello’s The New Colony: Its Various Forms and Marta Abba
Angela Belli – Luigi Pirandello’s Greek Heroines: Diana and Tuda
Jana O’Keefe Bazzoni – Watchers, Puppet Masters and Testifiers: the io epico Character in Pirandello, Marinetti and I Grotteschi
Kathryn Wylie-Marques – Pirandellian Influences in Joao Pedro de Andrade’s Continuacao da Comedia
Special Section:
Jane House – Pirandello’s Youthful Passion: Writing for the Theatre
Pirandello’s Why? – Translated by Jane House
Theatre and Book Reviews
Marvin Carlson The Fin-de-Siecle Italian Stage (Review by Beate Hein Bennett)
Pirandello at NYU’s Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimo (Mimi Gisolfi D’Aponte)
Zeffirelli’s London Production of Così è (se vi pare) (John Louis DiGaetani)
Mariani’s La creazione del vero: Il maggior teatro di Pirandello (Andrea Guiati)
Her Husband, translation by Martha King and Mary Ann Frese Witt (Rose Fichera McAloon)