Get Ready For: The 240th Commemoration of the Battle of Brooklyn

Entrance of Greenwood Cemetery

Entrance of Greenwood Cemetery

Home to some of the most prestigious permanent residences in America, the iconic and historic Greenwood Cemetery will be hosting a commemorative ceremony for The Battle of Brooklyn, fought in 1776. The battle is considered the first after the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

Re-enactment of The Battle of Brooklyn

Re-enactment of The Battle of Brooklyn

On August 28th, the 478 acre cemetery will celebrate the historical event with parades, cannon fire, horse rides, colonial cooking and re-enactments. A trolley tour will be available for guests to tour Revolutionary sites.

Founded in 1838, Greenwood a now National Historic Landmark, is one of the first rural cemeteries in America. It quickly became a prestigious place to be buried, attracting over 500,000 visitors a year. It now houses 560,000 permanent residents who include, Civil War generals, baseball legends, politicians, artists, entertainers and inventors. It also includes the largest outdoor collection of 19th – 20th century statuary and mausoleums.

It’s free admission for guests, as the cemetery turns it’s colonial history into life as colonial soldiers and their horses roam the grounds. Re-enactors display the living conditions and ways of life to visitors as Carolina Capehart explains cooking methods over an open fire. RSVP is strongly recommended

Colonial living re-enactment

Colonial living re-enactment