Puerto Rican Culture

Class Schedule

This intimate class will function as an independent study. In direct response to our volatile world and as a form of intellectual healing, we will slow down and go in-depth into the sources. We will emphasize quality discussions and close reading analysis over quantity and quick consumption. We will spend more time than what is standard with each source. Additionally, we will engage in horizontal democracy, selecting the topics we will explore together. Everybody will have a voice and a vote on the course materials. For this reason, I only selected some initial sources that will help us contextualize Puerto Rican Studies as a scholarly discipline and diasporic practice. 

Week 1 Introduction + Critical Pedagogy 


Mohabir, Rajiv. “Mister Javier’s Lesson Plan.” In  Antiman. Restless Books, 2021.


Yolen, Jane. Encounter. YouTube. https://youtu.be/lxnDJybshOc?si=4fTytCVpDdw9DgAA

Keywords: Critical pedagogy; Puerto Ricans in New York; Native cultures and knowledge.

Week 2 The Emergence of Puerto Rican Studies


In-class screening and discussion:

The Five Demands (Greta Schiller and Andrea Weiss, 2023)

Keywords: Critical pedagogy; Puerto Ricans in New York; Black-Puerto Rican Activism at CUNY. 

Week 3 NYC Takeovers


The CUNY 1969 Project


In-class screening and discussion:

Takeover (Emma Francis-Snyder, 2022)

Keywords: Critical pedagogy; Health justice; Puerto Ricans in New York; Black-Puerto Rican Activism.  

Week 4 Nuyoricans+ CUNY 1969 + Blackout Poetry Workshop


Rodríguez, Clara. “Puerto Ricans: Building the Institutions for the Next Generations of Latinos.” In Latinos in New York: Communities in Transition. University of Notre Dame Press, 2017. Pages 57-63

Pietri, Pedro. “Puerto Rican Obituary” 


The CUNY 1969 Project

Keywords: Poetry Workshop; Nuyorican Poetry and Institutions; Puerto Ricans in New York; Systemic discrimination in the workforce; Black-Puerto Rican Activism. 

Week 5 Native Cultures


Meléndez-Badillo, Jorell. “Borikén’s First Peoples: From Migration to Insurrection.” In Puerto Rico: A National History. Princeton University Press, 2024.


Jaffe, Nina. The Golden Flower: A Taino Myth From Puerto Rico. Illustrated by Enrique Sanchez.


Fornes Jr,Brandon Lee


Keywords: Caribbean History; Imperialism; Puerto Rican archipelagic geography; Indigenous storytelling. 

*Submit the “Blackout poetry assignment.” 

10/1 Extra Credit Event

A Conversation with Dr. Yomaira Figueroa- Vásquez

Room: VC 14-266

Time: 5:00 pm

RSVP here

10/2- No Classes Scheduled

Week 6 Slavery in Puerto Rico (and the Caribbean)


Arroyo Pizarro, Yolanda. “Arrowhead.” In Negras, Stories of Puerto Rican Slave Women. Boreales, 2012.


Dadzie, Stella. “Enslaved Women and Subversion.” In A Kick in the Belly: Women, Slavery and Resistance. Verso, 2020.

Keywords: Afro-Puerto Rican History; Slavery and Resistance; Puerto Rican colonial past; Black storytelling. 

Week 7 Puerto Rican Musical Circuits


Gautier, Amina. “Aguanile.” Now We Will Be Happy. University of Nebraska Press, 2014.



Quintero,Zachary Augustin


In-class screening and discussion:

“Tito Matos ¡Ahora Sí!” In Puerto Rican Voices https://youtu.be/2mf8C6f9GSY?si=J6tPQ5eBLD3meAF5

Keywords: Afro-Puerto Rican Music; Diaspora-Island relationships; Artivism; Black storytelling. 

Week 8 Black Diasporican Arts


Figueroa-Vásquez, Yomaira. “Afro-Boricua Archives.” Post45. https://post45.org/2020/01/afro-boricua-archives-paperless-people-and-photo-poetics-as-resistance/


Girmay, Aracelis.”You are who I love.” https://poets.org/poem/you-are-who-i-love


Works by Frank Espada and Daniel Lind-Ramos




Keywords: Afro-Puerto Rican arts and poetics; Photography and Diaspora; Installation artists

Week 9 Studio Visit

10/30  6:30-8:00 pm

Miguel Trelles Studio Visit.

Trelles Studio # 303

The Clemente

107 Suffolk Street, NYC

J/M/Z and F trains to Essex/Delancey

Miguel Trelles | TUSSLE Interview

*Submit the final project proposal as a document via email.*

Week 10 The Political Status Question


Rodriguez, Abraham. “The Boy Without a Flag.” Boricuas: Influential Puerto Rican Writings- An Anthology. One World Book, 1995.

Asynchronous Screening

Why isn’t Puerto Rico a state? (Bianca Graulau, 2022)


In-class Screening and discussion:

How the U.S. Silenced Calls for Puerto Rico’s Independence (Bianca Graulau, 2021)



Keywords: Puerto Rican Politics; State-sanctioned censorship; Political Repression; Colonialism; PR-US relationships

Week 11 Future-Oriented Politics from Below


Llenín Figueroa, Beatriz. “The Maroons are Deathless, We are Deathless.” Abusable Past. https://abusablepast.org/from-puerto-rico-the-maroons-are-deathless-we-are-deathless/


Meléndez-Badillo, Jorell. “Broken Memories and Future-Oriented Histories.” In Puerto Rico: A National History. Princeton University Press, 2024.


In-class Screening and discussion:

“El apagón” (Bad Bunny and Bianca Graulau, 2022) https://youtu.be/1TCX_Aqzoo4?si=x9-mELx4WxZBI_CK




Keywords: Grassroots organizing; #RickyRenuncia protests; Post-María communal politics; #FueraLUMA

Week 12 Puerto Rico in a Caribbean Context


Del Valle Schorske, Carina. “An Arsenal of Mysteries: The Terrifying Allure of a Remote Caribbean Island.” New York Times. March 20, 2024. 


Ceballos, Helen. “Cerezas por papeles” In “Pensamientos” Afro-Latin@ Forum. https://www.afrolatinoforum.org/pensamientos-blog/cerezas-por-papeles-cherries-for-documents



Keywords: Caribbean History; Imperialism; Puerto Rican archipelagic geography; Dominican migration; Dominican arts in Puerto Rico. 

11/27 Classes follow the Friday schedule

11/28-12/1 College Closed

Week 13 Exam


Week 14 Final Project Preview Presentations


Final submission deadline

By 11:59 pm on 12/18.

Send your work via email: rojo.roblesmejias@baruch.cuny.edu