Percy Bysshe Shelley – Poetry (Linda)

The enlightened view helped people to have their own reason and to have courage to say what is wrong and right. Government and religion had absolute power and were corrupted deeply. After The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the citizens, the revolutionary government started to rule by reason. Percy Shelley lived in romanticism era after the revolution.

Percy Shelley is a poet who wrote poetries in the era of French revolution. He is one of the icon of romanticism authors who describe the condition of the time. He has his own marked reason and thought of poetry. He wrote on A Defense of Poetry that “Poets are not only subject to these experiences as spirits of the most refined organization, but they can colour all that they combine with the evanescent hues of this ethereal world” The task of poetry for Shelley is reflecting the period of time in words and the reflection will be last long time. Poetry is a mirror which helps people understand better what the time used to be.

Shelley depicts the dark side of the time in poetries and, also, depicts frankly and provocatively the corruption and wrong points of England’s institution. He portrays the King as “the dregs of their dull race” and “Time’s worst statute, unrepealed” on the poetry “England in 1819”. By criticizing the corrupted government ruler, he implies the problems and how a new world should look like. He thought “Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the World”.

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