Introductory paragraph of Burke and Shelley #2 (Linda)

The government was ruled by tradition which is absolute monarchy until French Revolution in 1789. French revolution was arouse by people who was oppressed by government, wanted their freedom, and to be ruled by their reason. There were two writers who were from aristocrats’ families but had totally different stance on French Revolution. Edmund Burke published the book namely “From Reflections on the Revolution in France”. The politician and writer Burke was against for the French Revolution and supported their authority which was legitimized by old tradition. From the view of Burke, Tradition is “an entailed inheritance derived to us from our forefathers”. On the other hand, the English poet Percy Bysshe Shelley advocates for revolution and enlightenment, saying poetry is “..follower of the awakening of a great people to work a beneficial change in opinion or institution” on A Defense of Poetry. I will more closely discuss how each of them understands the society in terms of Reason, Freedom, and Tradition, has different vision of ideal community, their authorities in this paper. All information is based on our textbook “The Norton Anthology World Literature Volume E”

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