Ethical Dilemmas Currently Impacting the World of Sports ( Week of 12/15)





Steroids & Salaries: Making the link of drug use to some of the highest earners

Most athletes are into their sport because they want to be the best. If not they at least want to earn a ton of money so they can be set after retirement. But the extent to where some players go is too far. While aiming to be on top on a performance basis is it worth the use of drugs, in particular steroids or performance enhancing drugs.

Below are some of the most successful athletes whose careers were linked to steroids. As you can see they were some of the top statistical performers in their respective sports. They also were some of highest earning. Performing so well that the money earned is above most others in the game.

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Since no bet is safe bet, why not make it a legal one?

IFWT-Sports-BettingOn average it is believed that Americans bet just under $400 billion yearly on sports.  It is a custom that has been happening for years onto decades and it is quite popular across the nation. Sports’ gambling is something that many partake in illegally, so many that the government might as well regulate it.

While some fans may believe sports gambling itself is an ethical issue. I believe the impacts of not legalizing it makes for a bigger ethical issue. Simply due to the fact that legalizing sports betting will reduce the amount of illegal gambling that happens in our country. Illegal sports betting can undermine the integrity of a sport itself. Fans become fans over the dollar and not for the game or sport being played. If sports betting were to be regulated the odds of the gamble will be fairly set and determined, while the payoffs will be based solely on athletics and team performance; and not to forget legalization can create taxation which will turn around and help the economy of the nation. Continue reading

Impact of Jerseys

1As a sports fan, I can say that sometimes walking into a sporting goods store is a feeling similar to a child on Christmas morning. There’s nothing better than going to a place that is a full array of fanatic goods and apparel. Probably the most popular way a true sports fanatic represents their loyalty to favorite teams and players is through the purchase of jerseys. A sports fan can show their love of teams and players in an variety of ways but nothing beats impersonating by wearing a jersey.


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Endorsements & Ethics – A look back at some of the top athletes who lost their endorsement deals due to ethical issues.

Being an athlete is a profession that can make you a ton of money. Not just from the salaries obtained by one’s respected organization, but from endorsement deals made on the side due to performance and popularity. These endorsements sometimes drastically outweigh the amount of money a player makes yearly. However once a player commits an act that is ethically or morally wrong, they will lose their endorsement deals.
The two most recent athletes who have been on top of scandals are Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson. They were both top running backs in the NFL, but issues of domestic violence were revolving of them both which ultimately left them short of their endorsement deals.
Ray Rice- Vertimax, Nike, EA Sports
Adrian Peterson- Radisson Hotel deal with Minnesota Vikings, Nike, Wheaties Continue reading

Sportsmanship or Talent? Analyzing the Percy Harvin trade for the sake of a team’s success.


Sportsmanship or Talent? Analyzing the Percy Harvin trade for the sake of a team’s success.

With week 7 of the NFL season being out the door, the NFL’s midway point is quickly approaching. With that comes the NFL trade deadline on October 28, but 2 teams decided now was the right time for a change and made a deal just a few days ago.

This past Friday October 17th, the New York Jets exchanged a conditional mid round draft pick with the Seattle Seahawks for the rights to Wide Receiver Percy Harvin. The talented offensive player will provide the Jets the help they need in scoring points, but the overall team chemistry of the Seahawks is sure to improve with Harvin’s departure due to documented off the field issues. Continue reading

How did the media coverage of the Ray Rice scandal influence the public’s perception of domestic violence?

It seems as if the moment that TMZ released the second video relating to the Ray Rice case, the public was able to fully grasp the story.
Back in February of 2014, when the story first leaked it was destined for mainstream media attention and here we are EIGHT months later it still sits atop; with Rice’s hearing on his suspension appeal tentatively set for early November, as reported by NFL Media Insider Ian Rapoport.