Scroll through to check out all the asynchronous activities you can choose from.
Be sure to fill out an Exit Ticket (which takes about 5 mins) after completing the activity.
Attendance & Participation in Online Courses
Some ideas of how you might balance being flexible with maintaining certain expectations of learning and engagement in your course. Moving online recontextualizes the ways students participate in and “attend” our courses. This document considers ways we can define and count attendance and participation in the online classroom. It also gives some strategies for engaging students in online work. We’ve also included some language you might adopt.
Activity time: ~15 minutes
Engaging the Student Body
Even if your students have profile photos, or turn on their cameras, it is easy to fall into the trap of thinking of them as little boxes. But students are whole people, with bodies on the other side of those little boxes. Engaging students through their bodies will give students a better learning experience. In this short video we’ll explore 3 methods for increasing engagement of student bodies in the online class setting.
Activity time: 17 mins (video) + 10 mins (handout)
Hypothesis tutorial
Hypothesis is a powerful tool for your web browser that turns any website into something you can annotate. And you can share annotations within a group you create—such as a course group—and reply to annotations left among members of that group.
Activity Time: ~30-40 minutes
Jumbo Courses: A Showcase on Student Engagement & Organization
The CTL Fall Faculty Innovations Showcase is a series of informal talks that highlight teaching innovations that have emerged or solidified in the transition to online teaching. In this series, Baruch faculty show what they worked on during the Fall 2020 semester.
Activity Time: ~40 minutes
Kognito: Recognizing Student Distress
CUNY has adopted a free, online, interactive training, to help you notice the signs of student distress, use techniques to discuss your concerns, and if necessary, refer students to appropriate resources. The Kognito simulation suite includes research-proven simulations that go beyond knowledge and awareness to build user’s skills and self-confidence through practice talking with virtual students and parents. Visit Kognito to log in or create a new account, and use enrollment key: baruchcaruf.
Activity time: a little more than 1 hour
Redesigning Approaches to Testing, Assessment, and Feedback: A Showcase
The CTL Fall Faculty Innovations Showcase is a series of informal talks that highlight teaching innovations that have emerged or solidified in the transition to online teaching. In this series, Baruch faculty show what they worked on during the Fall 2020 semester.
Activity time: ~1 hour
Very Short Guide: Establishing Learning Goals
Read more about designing strong learning goals (this link will open a PDF document), created by the Bernard L. Schwartz Communication Institute. For new and experienced teachers alike, their Very Short Guides overview a core pedagogical concept or practice in a single page.
Activity time: ~5 minutes
Student Engagement during Synchronous Sessions: A Showcase
The CTL Fall Faculty Innovations Showcase is a series of informal talks that highlight teaching innovations that have emerged or solidified in the transition to online teaching. In this series, Baruch faculty show what they worked on during the Fall 2020 semester.
Activity time: ~1 hour
Teaching with Zoom @ Baruch College
Comprehensive guide to teaching with Baruch’s version of Zoom, includes instructions for logging in and set up, recording, accessibility, and health cosiderations. Navigate to the ‘Creating Good Structure for Student Engagement’ section for pedagogical considerations and use cases.
Activity time: ~5-10 minutes
UDL & Accessibility Workshop
UDL helps instructors to craft lesson plans, assessments, and other materials for your course in a way that maximizes inclusion of all students. This asynchronous workshop on universal design for learning (UDL) explains some key components of UDL and some ways to apply UDL in your courses.
Activity time: 30 minutes to 1 hour
When you can’t require the webcam
You may have seen or heard about guidance from the university about having students on camera during live class sessions. Here you will find suggestions for encouraging (but not requiring) web camera use, or leaning into off-camera features and methods for keeping students engaged and accountable.
Activity time: ~5 minutes
Zicklin Guide for Managing Teams
This student guide for group work and oral presentations—developed by several Zicklin faculty, students, and staff—includes some useful considerations for forming and managing student teams. There are also templates for peer evaluation, group evaluation, and individual assessment that might serve as useful guides for those of you who are developing assignments that involve group work.
Activity time: ~10 minutes