Unmarried men & work life

About a month ago I had a leader discussion where I talked about single people in workplaces. Although the kind of single people I talked about were the ones that do not have children yet. To me it seemed that single people always feel some kind of unfairness in workplaces in comparison to the married people or to those who have kids. Since I have not experience anything like that, I do not know what to believe. That is why I thought it was a good idea to have my friend answer me some questions about his workplace.

Having so much education in his background I would not be surprised to find out Serreste Barton is a EMS lieutenant.

Lets say you are at work but you have to leave early to see your daughter’s dance recital, would your boss let you leave?”

“Because I work for a unionized employer as the Fire Department of New York, as a EMS lieutenant, I am allowed to leave early under certain circumstances (like family emergencies). For a dance recital -no. However the FDNY allows you to schedule a day off for those specific reasons.”


I would also love to share the video below that I found on YouTube.

The actor Dean Cain said that he has a full custody over his kids and he also put on hold his career to give his son a batter childhood.



Not everything is great for every single dad out there. For example I found this article online called “Workplace Discrimination: The Hidden Discrimination Divorced Dads Face at Work” “...divorced dads suffer routinely from one of the last remaining forms of socially acceptable workplace discrimination.” The author of the article is a divorced dad and he said that most work places make provision for single parents but it all seems to extend mainly to single mothers. And for a father parenthood comes second. “I am stating that it is much harder for dads to receive this same parental leniency, and that it’s a double standard that we need to start working to fix.” Robert Anthony who is the author of this article says that any time he asks to leave early for child related reason he always gets a cold respond and it always backed up by his boss saying that if he let him do that then every employee will want the same, he simply just cannot afford it. It can be also taugh for men to bring their kids into the workplace and when Robert tried the answer was pretty rude “You should find another alternative. Thank you.

So as we see men get paid more than women, but they are being treated differently when it comes to parenting.