Essay #2

Essay #2 was the most difficult essay that I’ve had to write so far. I’m very insecure about my thesis, which I think I may have made too complicated. I did a close reading of Reznikoff’s “On Brooklyn Bridge I saw a man drop dead” from poems 7-12 and analyzed it by relating it to industrialization taking over nature. I incorporated the element of war because it seemed to reoccur throughout Reznikoff’s poems and because it is a negative outcome of industrialization that sets the mood of Reznikoff’s melancholy tone. Because of this, I feel as if my essay is just a list and not a good piece of writing that easily flows from one example to another or is eloquent enough.

I am also struggling with trying to conclude my entire paper. I don’t quite know at the moment how to bring it all together while not repeating the first paragraph too much. Maybe I will consider ending with a question to promote further thought after the reader has read my essay. However, I am excited about forming a good title and receiving feedback about my paper so I will know whether or not I have completely confused the reader with my thesis and how exactly to revise my paper.

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