Paper number 2

I guess that the most difficult part for me in writing this paper is describing my feelings about the poem i chose and picking the right words to show what exactly were the most appealing lines and words for me. I’ve read a few papers from my classmates that chose the same poem as I did and i felt like their thoughts were mine but accurately expressed and a lot more well-written than mine.

My another big struggle with this particular paper and others as well is choosing the language. I feel like my writing is dry and dull. It’s emotionless. Since English is unfortunately not my first language its always hard to pick the right words to describe my point of view. I always end up up using the simplest vocabulary which results in my writing sounding as though it was a paper of some 5th grader.

I also find it difficult to integrate sayings and idioms when explaining my point. There were so many things i had to say about the poem but they all were only relevant in my native language.

To sum up, my biggest struggle right now is choosing the proper language.

About Yulia.M.

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One Response to Paper number 2

  1. EKaufman says:

    Which poem are you writing about? I wonder what would happen if you tried to “translate” the poem, write between the Author’s lines, explore your own ideas as you react to each word–that might help you move past some of these issues?

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