
Frank O’Hara’s writing, “Personism:A Manifesto” was personally a very interesting piece to read. It wasn’t anything about what O’Hara was saying about Personism or what he does not believe or what he believes in. It was interesting because Frank O’Hara decided to start a fresh movement because he was intrigued to do so. Now, who can actually do that in modern days? You must have a lot of self confidence to start a movement with your friend about something you discovered while trying to send a message to a person you like. I don’t know if this movement has been successful or unsuccessful but personally, I don’t think I can start a movement and write an article saying “I just found out something, and  I want to start a movement, so I think you guys should follow up with the new movement I am trying to intrigue in other people.” Aside from such confidence, there was also a line that bought my agreement.

“Forced feeding leads to excessive thinness
(effete). Nobody should experience anything they don’t need to, if they don’t need poetry bully for them.”

I completely agree with the idea that “forced feeding leads to excessive thinness” It is not what I believe in, but what I have learned through my experience. My mother has been forcing me to do a lot of stuff that I didn’t pretty much care. As my mother kept nagging me to do stuff, I eventually became to hate doing them and I avoid them. “Excessive thinness” basically meaning avoidance from whatever the factor, just seems to be within human mind. If anyone forces one to do something, that “force” will eventually lead the one to hate the thing that one was forced to do. This reminded me of “New York, 1936” by Ralph Ellison when he realized that backseats are better than other seats in the bus. The law or the norm has forced him to sit in the backseats when he lived in the south, but when he actually had a chance to sit somewhere else, he did so, and he realized how the law and the meaning behind has made him to hate the backseats.


-Jason Cho

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