Digital Essay Plan

I have an idea, almost scene by scene of what I want my video to look like. I don’t know what instrumentals to have in the background yet, but I feel like the outcome of the video will determine that. The point I want to express is that amidst the adversities of everyday life and dangers and anger and sadness and disappointment, there’s a place where you should go to forget all about those things just for a little while. I was thinking of having the video depict numerous scenes of everyday adversities by one specific person (preferably female). Then the person suddenly gets up from their apartment, wipes the tears from their eyes and gets into their car without saying a word to anyone, and embarks on a trip to a place where they’ll be completely alone. I would envision that being a place where there’s a waterfall, lake or some other wonderful place like that, with a nice ending. But this all seems so difficult. Particularly the car and finding the place, plus a camera (I broke mine years ago).


Even though this seems difficult (especially within a one month period), I will try my best to accomplish this. If it doesn’t work, I’ll have to change that. Any suggestions? Any ideas?  All thoughts, comments, criticism, etc. welcome!

About Vanessa

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