My Digital Project

Upon initially beginning research for this paper, I had the intention of writing about the Walt Whitman poem, “A Song of Myself“. Yet as I began to spend more time doing this research, I realized that this was not the poem that I loved enough to do the assignment justice.

The poem I settled upon next was If by Rudyard Kipling. I chose this poem over my first because I felt that it reached me on a level that was much deeper than the Whitman piece was able to reach. I also feel that this choice of poem gives me a greater range of possibilities from which to create my digital project.

Being quite the inspiration poem, the goal of my digital essay will be to capture as much as that motivational energy as possible. It was a poem that Kipling originally wrote for his son, and so I envision my project being a representation of his conveying the message of the poem. I would likely film shots that show a character facing many of the challenges that Kipling warns his son of in the poem, such as staying true to oneself and overcoming obstacles. I am not quite sure what these shots will exactly entail until I get more into my paper itself, any ideas? I hope I can do this poem justice with my film, and I believe that in time I will be able to pull it off.

About Mike McAlpin

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One Response to My Digital Project

  1. EKaufman says:

    Hi Mike,

    Did you send me a proposal for this new poem? What will your thesis be? What are the specifics of what made you interested in the poem enough to write a paper on it? How will this translate into video?


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