“If” Digital Essay Component

Hi all, I hope all of your digital essays turned out well! I’m excited to begin our last week of classes at Baruch, though I will certainly miss this class once it is over.

I had a bit of difficulty creating the digital component for my assignment, but I feel that in the end it turned out pretty well. I had trouble coming up with a plot for my video at first as the poem I selected, “If” by Rudyard Kipling, is not so much a symbolic piece of poetry as it is a direct call to action. The poem describes all sorts of traits and actions which Kipling believes will make everyone a better person if they adopted or followed them. In “If”, he attempts to persuade the reader to believe in themselves and not allow the world or any other people to bring them down.

In my video, I sought to demonstrate the effect that Kipling would likely have wanted his piece to impact his readers. The scenario depicted in the video is a bit of an exaggeration of this, yet I believe that it still manages to capture the essence of what Kipling was trying to convey.

Though it posed a bit of a challenge to me, I had a lot of fun doing this assignment. I realized that the process of designing and creating a film is very exciting, and seeing it all come together in the end provides for a great feeling. I can’t wait to see all of the videos that the rest of the class has created, and I wish you all luck on your presentations, as well as all of your other finals. Have a great last week of classes and a great summer!

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Digital Essay: “If”

About Mike McAlpin

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