Author Archives: Edward Pinkhasik

About Edward Pinkhasik


MoMa visit

Since I wasn’t able to attend a reading this semester, I went to the MoMa for the second time in my life. Museums of art have never really been my thing, but there were several interesting sculptures that stood out … Continue reading

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Digital Essay Upload

After finishing the digital essay, I realized another interesting part of my project. Even though I focused on the cinematic aspect of the poem, I realized that reading the poem in my head allows me to envision the poem better … Continue reading

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Digital Essay

For my digital essay, I have decided to show the cinematic narrative of my poem, At the Point by Tim Dlugos. I wanted to depict each stanza and make it as if it’s one movie . For each stanza, I … Continue reading

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Paper 3 Update

After the peer reviews and the individual conference, I realized that I took my paper into a different direction than I wanted. Instead of focusing on the author’s biography and its effect on the poem, I decided to focus on … Continue reading

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Digital Essay Plan

I chose the poem “I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings” by Maya Angelou because I really liked how it represents the idea that those born into a rich lifestyle take the basic necessities they have for granted, while others … Continue reading

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Reading “Personism” by Frank O’Hara just made me appreciate and like the poet even more after the videos we’ve seen in class of his process of writing. In Personism, he describes the way that he writes poetry which he demonstrated … Continue reading

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Poetry Struggles

Once again, I found myself not being able to understand some of the poems that we had to read for class. Frank O’Hara’s poems were unusually written, with unexpected stops and short sentences that seemed to come out of nowhere. … Continue reading

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North vs South

I found the essay by Ralph Ellison really interesting, as he talked about the difference between the way he was treated in New York and in Alabama. Enjoying a summer in New York, Ellison noticed differences between treatments of African … Continue reading

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Essay 2

Writing essay number 2 was a lot harder for me than the first essay, mainly because I had never done a close reading of anything before in so much depth, especially a poem. Poems  take a lot more time and … Continue reading

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Usually, I enjoy poetry that I understand and that presents some point of importance. Unfortunately, the poetry that we had to read for Monday’s class on the Brooklyn Bridge was filled with details and overly worded sentences, inhibiting my ability … Continue reading

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