Author Archives: Maggie

About Maggie


Visit- Museum of Modern Art

On Tuesday, I went to the Museum of Modern Art because I was unable to attend any poetry readings this semester. I haven’t been to the MoMA since sophomore year of high school so making the trip out to 5th … Continue reading

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Mirror – My Final Project

First of all, I’m very relieved that this project is over with finally. This video project was very difficult to carry out and my movie turned out to be very different from what I first imagined it to be. I … Continue reading

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Final Paper Update

After our peer review on Wednesday and the teacher conference on Thursday I have realized that I have a lot of work to do on my paper. Except this time I am not in such a state of panic about … Continue reading

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Digital Essay

For my project, I have chosen the poem “Mirrors” by Sylvia Plath. Personally, I think this poem is very powerful and impressive and the only way I can describe it is that it’s spiritually haunting and can stir a lot … Continue reading

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O’Hara and the Manifesto

Reading “Personism: A Manifesto” by Frank O’Hara was a different experience because I thought I was about to read a dreary poetic story about a philosophy that the poet is following and one I couldn’t understand. What I actually experienced … Continue reading

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Poem Packet

As I was reading through the packet of poems I felt that “Space” (1988) by Ted Berrigan really stood out to me. I see this poem as the perfect example of my inability and trouble with interpreting poems. The poem … Continue reading

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Different Side of New York

On Saturday night I have done something that I haven’t done since elementary school. I went to see a concert. It’s not an unusual way to spend a night out in Manhattan listening and dancing to a performance by a … Continue reading

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Reflection on Essay #2

Thoughts: I am not revising my paper just yet. I am waiting for feedback from my group. I find that their peer review of my paper helps me greatly because I have a close-to-honest opinion about my paper. Of course, … Continue reading

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Truth about Poetry

I must confess, like many others around me, I do not like poetry. I do not enjoy reading it or writing my own. I cannot even rhyme a few sentences together. I know that this isn’t very fair but this … Continue reading

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Makey Makey

On Monday of last week we had a guest speaker come to our class to give a presentation about this new invention called the Makey Makey. The day prior to this I took a look at the website and very … Continue reading

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