Author Archives: sl142878

About sl142878


Digital Essay

I’m pretty much finished with my digital essay but I’m not really satisfied with it.  I wanted to interpret “Barbie Doll” using the words and the images that Marge Piercy put into it but I think I bit off more … Continue reading

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“A city for only the very young” & Update

I don’t feel like I can experience New York City in the way that Joan Didion did.  She said, “I’m not sure that it is possible for anyone brought up in the East to appreciate entirely what New York, the … Continue reading

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The Digital Component

I’m writing about “Barbie Girl” by Marge Piercy and since a lot of it is about objectifying and stereotyping women, I wanted to make a 3D Object.  I’m still thinking about what I want to create but I think creating … Continue reading

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The Death of Literature as We Know It

After reading Personism, I was left with a lot of questions. O’Hara covered a lot of topic and ideas in “Personism: A Manifesto” and I thought that some of his words were very unique and almost radical. “Nobody should experience … Continue reading

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Colors of New York

One of my favorite poems from the reading was James Schuyler’s “February”.  The poem doesn’t have a set structure but reading it was smooth and it seemed like the poem was slowly unraveling.  I thought that it was very similar … Continue reading

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When I read James Baldwin’s The Fire Next Time, I concentrated on the first several pages that described the limits of someone like him, who was born in Harlem.  Only after he discovered God and felt safe was he able … Continue reading

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Close Reading of a Poem

I’ve never written a paper that was completely made up of a close reading of a poem.  Usually teachers assign several poems and I would have to choose one and analyze or elaborate on a theme of one or a … Continue reading

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Problems with Poems

Poems are usually a hit and miss for me.  Sometimes they’re very simple and easy to understand but sometimes they’re so complex, I can’t understand it no matter how many times I try to read it.  Walt Whitman’s “Crossing Brooklyn … Continue reading

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Makey Makey

My group immediately used the Makey Makey as a game controller.  We played with the instrument game to start out and get used to the Makey Makey’s wires and controller.  Afterwards, we decided to play a more complicated game with … Continue reading

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When is Private Actually Private?

When we were discussing Strong’s,  The Diaries and Thoreau’s, “Letters from Staten Island”, a major topic was about what made these reading’s different,  which, as we discussed, was that they were supposed to be private.  And it made me think, … Continue reading

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