Response- “Song of Myself”

After reading the poem “Song of Myself” by Walt Whitman, I re-read it to find one particular line that spoke to me and was most relatable to my commute to Baruch College. The line that I chose was “I accept Reality and dare not question it”. I chose this specific line because New York City is a very diverse place with all types of people with diverse personalities and lifestyles.  On my way to Baruch everyday, I walk by so many different people. These people consist of construction workers (lots of them), street performers, maintenance workers, and other pedestrians whether they are tourists or native New Yorkers enjoying the day.

This line “I accept Reality and dare not question it” spoke to the way that I believe all people in New York City, and most do, act when they are walking down the street. If you were to take the commute that I take every day, you would notice that everyone, no matter whats going on around them, are minding their own business. This is something that I believe holds true to everywhere in the city. Whether there is a group of kids dancing in the subway to try and earn some money or people fighting on the sidewalk, it always appears that nobody reacts to these events as if they are living in their own bubble. The word “Reality” is the commute I take and the commutes that other people take on their way to work or school, and “dare not question it” symbolizes the imaginary bubble that people place themselves in when they are just trying to get where they need to be.

One thought on “Response- “Song of Myself”

  1. I totally agree with everything you say about New York’s diversity. We come across so many different people with different “journeys” on a daily basis, and like you said we accept this and do not question it. As New Yorkers, we tend to just accept the things we see simply because we are so accustomed to it. Best of luck to you this semester!

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