“Song Of Myself” (Blog Post) – Daniel Namdar

At first glance of of Walt Whitman notorious poem, “Song of Myself”, I couldn’t fully grasp the true meaning behind the work. There did not seem to be a firm plott, nor any sort of concrete meaning behind the text. Regardless, I truly believed the poem had to have some sort deeper meaning. I decided to do some research on Whitman to get some background on his work. It seemed as if everyone had their own perspective as to how bring meaning to the poem. Personally I feel as if the poem was intentionally written in a way so that the reader can derive their own meaning. Whitman is essentially focuses on describing himself throughout the poem. He doesn’t base his ideas on a specific plot nor does he try and relate to one specific meaning.

Much like Whitman spoke about himself, I will speak about my personal journey to Baruch. Interestingly enough I come from Long Island just like Whitman. The only major difference is he did not attend school so he prob doesn’t have a story like mine. The time I wake usually depends on when my classes begin that day. My commute from the doorstep of my house to Baruch is an hour and a half. 15 min car ride from my house the the LIRR train station. 45 min train ride on the LIRR. Once in the city I spend 15 min a small coffee shop by penn station. And a 15 min bike ride to Baruch.

What makes this commute so interesting is how structured everything is. Once I do the same routine a few times I start picking up on some interesting things. From the train conductor getting to know me my name to seeing the same people on the bike ride to school. I find that being organized and structuring my day properly is the key the staying productive throughout the day. Whitman says, “There was never any more inception than there is now, Nor any more youth or age than there is now, And will never be any more perfection than there is now, Nor any more heaven or hell than there is now.” From this we learn that although there is so much challenges out there we must learn to remain productive in hopes to achieve our goals.