“Song of Myself” and My Journey

When I started to read Song of Myself, I was confused on what Whitman was trying to refer to. However as I continued to read I started to realized that he refers to the universe and self-themes frequently. For example he calls himself kosmos, which means universe. I feel like he wants to be a part of the universe and there are also times he seems to want to be in individual. Majority of the time I feel like am just like everyone in the world, but when I think about it I’m unique. Everyone takes different journeys including myself.

I believe my first major decision of my life was in high school. I was an 18 year old, who didn’t know what I really want to do with my life. I choose to go to Stony Brook University majoring in Mechanical Engineering. Why? Because my brother was a mechanical engineer and he was my role model. After the third semester, I realized mechanical engineering was not for me. However I didn’t know how to tell my family that I will not graduate on time if I switched majors. So I decided to continue the classes and try to graduate on time. As classes got harder, I became really stressed because now my family is upset that my GPA is dropping. Finally I came out and told my family that I want to change majors and I plan to transfer to Baruch for accounting. I really enjoyed my accounting internship last summer and I am glad I choose accounting because it really suits my personality. Now here I am a senior at Baruch majoring in accounting. Baruch is really a turning point of my life.

Sandy Cheng

2 thoughts on ““Song of Myself” and My Journey

  1. Walt Whitman is refering himself as part of universe, because human being are inseparably connected to it. Universe created Earth and everythng that lives on the planet. Walt Whitman wants to express himself and be accepted as an individual by saying things on his mind, although in nineghteen century his ideas were considered too liberal. You wanted to be express yourself like the poet did. I liked the way you steped up to your parents and did the right thing for yourself, showing them that you want to do something that feels rifght for you, not only to satisfy their expectations.

  2. Sandy, I really respect hat fact that you stepped up to your parents and told that mechanical engineering was not for you. It is very hard to come out to your parents to tell them that you do not want to be what they wanted you to be. I was in the same path as you as well, as my final major was decided I came out to my parents that I did not want to be an accountant or financial advisor. They had respected my choice thankfully and came to agree that everyone has different interests.

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