I am thinking, therefore I exist

I thought that part 4 of Descartes’ writing “Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting one’s Reason and Seeking Truth in the Sciences” was quite interesting. In particular I believed that his breakdown and analysis of his quote “I am thinking, therefore I exist” was quite stimulating to the mind in a way that it is a method of thinking that I do not usually pursue. The way that I could further expand on this saying would be that because you are having thoughts you are a living being and are analyzing your surroundings, therefore you are existing. In addition it is basically saying that if you are not thinking or do not have thoughts about your existence then you are not living (existing). It is essentially your thoughts that keep you thinking that you exist in society. If you did not have any thought on things going on in your life, did they even happen?, were you even there?, or is it something that is just made up in your nonexistence. Descartes uses the word “nothingness” to describe where his thoughts potentially could come from. This would be an example of nonexistence. As stated earlier, if you can not pinpoint your thoughts as coming from a real thing in life, are you existing? One more thing that I wanted to bring up before finishing this post was how Descartes talks about peoples inability to believe things that they can not see with their own eyes. He uses god as an example. Many people in this world do not believe in God because God is not existing. He says that senses are the only thing that makes people believe and understand their existence. I find this quite interesting because as I was reading this, I tried to think of other things that have a trend of societal disbelief and all I could think of were things that people have never seen, smelled, heard, tasted, or felt.