“Discourse on Method” (Descartes) – Blog Post – Daniel Namdar

In section 4 of Descartes “Discourse on Method” we are introduced to the idea that “I am thinking, therefore I exist” (15). As I try to comprehend the complexness of the text religion keeps coming to mind. The “I am thinking…” part of the idea seems to relate to how we are always questioning and doubting our fundamental ideals. This can relate to many things such as religion, social structure. Much of the religion we see in the US deals with the idea relating to why we exist, and our purpose in this life. So the “I am thinking..” is most probably relating to this idea we have in religion. The “…therefore I exist” most likely pertains to to the idea that the reason we think is to constantly dought ourselves and to judge what is right from what is wrong. This is my thought on this idea, despite possibly being completely off from what Descartes intentions where.

One thought on ““Discourse on Method” (Descartes) – Blog Post – Daniel Namdar

  1. I think the idea of religion being a part of this discussion is fascinating. I never considered religion as part of what Descartes was trying to convey when saying “I am thinking, therefore I exist”. This kind of self introspection can be understood as a fundamental part of religion, where you discuss and ponder on the religious doctrine. But in this situation, I am not sure that is what Descartes was trying to say because “I am thinking, therefore I exist” is something that most religions already prove. I believe existence is a part of religion.

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