Response to Frankenstein’s Birth

When we compare the scenes of  Frankenstein’s birth from the clips to Mary Shelley’s depictions, we see several differences. In the video clips we can see the excitement of Frankenstein anticipating the arrival of his masterpiece. In one video he has an assistant and audience to watch what he has created. I think that Frankenstein wanted to show his audience I have the power to bring something to life and you think I’m crazy now but wait and see.  In the other video, he is working alone and he constantly running around and he keeps screaming “live, live ,live.” however in the text Frankenstein was afraid of the the monster he has created and thought that this is not quite what he was imagining. He felt that he was ugly now. He doesn’t want to face the fact that he spent two years trying to create this beautiful thing and it came out so horribly wrong that he wants to run away.

I feel that they had changed the scene with the audience to capture the audience’s attention because we now feel as though we are there. To give the audience a way to connect to movie to themselves. Whereas the other video use the fast pace actions and electricity to build the suspense in the movie.  Often movies do not follow the novel completely due to the fact that they have thoughts on what might attract the audience watching the movie. So often for those who have read the novels are often disappointed of the changes made.

Sandy Cheng

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