Family Romances response

Freud is the father of psychology laying many of the foundations of the modern psychology used today. Though many of Sigmund Freud’s concepts and theories are not seen as accurate or not used like it was before, the influence Freud has had on culture can not be disputed. In his work “Family Romances” Freud describes the conflict between the child’s individual development and his place in the family. His idea is that the first real push into individuality begins when the child first realizes that his parents are not the perfect beings of knowledge is quite fascinating. Many children see their parents as the world and seeing flaws with them and realizing they are only human can be a hard and shaking experience. Freud believes that this moment in one of the most important moments in a child’s life because if the moment never completely happens or is too traumatic it can cause major problems in a child’s development. This idea that individuality begins when the leaders one trusts turns out to not be infallible is an interesting theory that may apply to much more then children.

Freud then begins to relate this push to individuality with other pushes in human development which is both incredibly fascinating and more likely to not be used in the psychiatric community. He viewed that children day dream of having different noble parents, being parent-less, or being separated by their parents because they wish to be more independent and leave behind their old flawed parents. He states that this is not due to malice but because the child is trying to explore ideas of independence and want to go back to seeing their parents as perfect. This is incredibly fascinating because it shows the want to be their own person while not having to loose their safety and the family they care about.