Tuesday Commute to Baruch

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Sandy’s alarm rang at 10:00 am. She ate a granola bar for breakfast and got ready to go to school. She grabs her coffee and bag. As she opens the door a rush of cold spring air hits her. She runs back to grab a heavy sweater and rushes to the 2 train at Pelham Parkway.  The train was 5 mins away. Sandy slowly made her way to the platform. The train cart was fairly empty she sat down in the middle of the cart. As the train pulls up to E. 180th street, sandy got up slowly to the train cart waiting for the doors to open. The old man in front of Sandy gets off the train and Sandy follows. Suddenly the old man stops and she softly hits his heel. The old man, Larry Jackson turns around quickly and pushes Sandy into the people behind her. Sandy quickly apologies and before she get to explain. Larry yells “Sorry isn’t good enough. Just don’t do it,” and he mumbles something as he stomps off. Sandy leaned against a pole carefully. Why did he have such a big reaction? Sandy took the 5 train to Grand Central 42 St. to the 6 train and got off at 23rd street. Sandy slowly walked to class while watching the people rushing by her. She got to class with minutes to spare thinking about what she will be doing for the rest of her day



2 thoughts on “Tuesday Commute to Baruch

  1. This is a great story, I really like the way you started it off with the sound of an alarm clock. It made me interested to read it right from the beginning. And I’ve had my fair share of rude encounters on the subways before too, and I always wonder the same thing you did.

  2. I also love the way you begin your story! I am an ESL student, depicting a story is my weakness, so it’s really good for me to read and learn your demonstration on how people act and say!

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