Commute to Baruch

It was a tiring morning for her. Hannah arose from her bed and slumped her way over to the bathroom. She thought about how she wanted to go back to bed, and stay there until 12 in the afternoon. Traffic was moving slow on the Whitestone Expressway that morning as she drove forty minutes to Astoria from Whitestone. She thought again about sleeping as she drove in. Hannah passed by several accidents on the way in and thought to herself about the feelings of the drivers at that moment in time. They probably felt frustrated. Finally, she arrives in Astoria and starts her five minute walk to the train up 23rd avenue. She passes by a lot of young people with backpacks. They’re all probably going to school too, she thinks. She stops in her favorite coffee shop in Astoria- the coffee pot. The owner greets her with a smile as he is probably grateful for all of the business she does at the coffee pot. On the N train now and she gets a seat. Score! She looks around for elderly people and secretly hopes there aren’t any so she doesn’t have to give up her seat. No elderly people in sight.  She falls asleep on the train and wakes up just in time to transfer to the 6 at Lexington Avenue. Five minutes until a 6 train comes- not too bad. The same MTA employee is here this morning that is here every morning. He always looks unhappy. She gets on a 6 and makes it to 23rd street. Walks down to Baruch college and enter through the Newman campus, just making her 9:05 class. Still exhausted.

One thought on “Commute to Baruch

  1. Wow you have a really long commute to school! Haha no elderly people in sight. What’s the name of the coffee shop owner? You should find out, free coffee 😉

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