The Beginning of Mrs. Dalloway


I decided to map/draw out the beginning of Mrs. Dalloway, until the scene where the car backfires. I wanted to concentrate on the parts we talked about in class. We start off with Clarissa Dalloway thinking about past memories of her childhood home, the Bourton. Along the way to the flower shop, Mrs. Dalloway bumps into a few characters including Hugh Whitbread. This led her to rethink about her old love interest Peter Walsh who proposed to her. In addition, she worried about death and Lady Bexborough who she is envious of. When she arrived at the flower shop, a car backfires and then the book scened to a new character Septimus Warren Smith, a war veteran of WWI sitting in Regent’s Park with his wife. He suffers from PTSD or what they called shell shock back then, and this noise brings him back to his memories of war.

4 thoughts on “The Beginning of Mrs. Dalloway

  1. Your map does a great job of visualizing the beginning of the story. It is really clear and I think that a lot of people would benefit from it since this text is a little harder to follow. Very creative!

  2. What a picturesque map!It reminds me think of that plot in my mind again. In the flower shop, a car was backfired lead to the two story lines show up at the same time and reminded both Mrs. Dalloway’s and Septimus’s history. Thereby the similar connection between Mrs.Dalloway and Septimus has occurred

  3. I like how you mapped out the story using images instead of character names. When you look at a map like this one can visualize the different events that take place throughout the story from a different perspective

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