Mrs. Dalloway Map – Daniel Namdar

One aspect of Virginia Woolf’s novel, Mrs. Dalloway, which makes its difficult to comprehend is the 2 story lines that are going on at this same time. The following two charts distinguish the main characters that are associated with the 2 different parts of the novel. Note that some characters are found in both story lines.


Mrs. Dalloway – Story 1

  • Richard Dalloway (Mrs. Dalloway’s Husband)
    • Lady Bruton (Husband’s Lover)
  • Peter Walsh (Mrs. Dalloway’s Lover)
  • Sally Secton (Friend)
  • Elizabeth (Mrs. Dalloway’s Daughter)
    • Doris Kilman (Daughters Tutor)
  • Septimus (Veteran)
    • Lucrezia (Veterans Wife)


Mrs. Dalloway – Story 2 

  • Peter Walsh (Mrs. Dalloway’s Lover)
  • Septimus (Veteran)
    • Lucrezia (Veterans Wife)