“The Song of Love” by Giorgio de Chirico


“The Song of Love” is an oil painting by Giorgio de Chirico in 1914. An interesting and metaphysical painting. It is one of the most famous works by Giorgio and an early example of the surrealists with the idea of simultaneity. The painting described both the past and the present through incongruous and unrelated objects from the ancient and present times. And these objects appears in the urban. The green ball, the head of classical Greek statue and the red rubber glove. The Greek plaster head is representative of the ancient time. Conversely, the rubber glove next to it seems belongs to the modern society. The plaster head is higher than the rubber glove seems like Giorgio wanted to show his respect to the ancient artworks. With these objects and some researchers, I know that Giorgio was an Italian Greek-born artist. That’s the reason why he put the ancient Greek statue in his works, and the color of three main objects are green, white and red. It is the color of Italian flag. I think Giorgio wanted to publicize his nationalism. Also, on the right side of the painting by a building with arcades, the sharp arches of which seems is the classical architecture. On the left side of the painting, the steam locomotive behind a red brick wall emanating exhaust gas from its chimney and it is the symbolism of the modernity. However, Giorgio created the conflict of past object and present object appears in the same place to emphasize his style of surrealists

One thought on ““The Song of Love” by Giorgio de Chirico

  1. I really liked this painting as well. It was one of my choices to write about. It is interesting how artist played with different motives of red gloves, ancient times and future. You did a great job figuring out the meaning of the colours.

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