First assignment—WHy Baruch?

According to poem, “Song of Myself” by Walt Whitman, he said: “The past and present wilt—I have fill’d them, emptied them, and proceed to my next fold of future” (51). In my opinion, this quotation means that we always need to look forward our future. No matter how terrible life was or how mediocre life we are having right now, the life is life. We cannot forget our past but we do continue to learn our lessons and do better than before as we can for our better future. Relating to my personal experience, I am a new transfer student in Baruch College. I was not a diligent student at the past college; I was just doing ordinary. Sometimes I was asking to myself, do I need to continue my education after I finished my 2-year’s college? The answer is yes because Baruch College has more challenges, especially for accounting major which I intend to study it when I was in my previous college. Certainly, I am interested in accounting. Therefore I want to get the good grade and pass some tests in order to be a CPA. Most importantly, to find a good job which I think Baruch will help me to achieve my goal. That’s why I am here. Now I am here, a new place is always full of strangeness and challenges. I remember the first time I stood at the school’s library, I was shock for that moment because people were busy on their works as I have ever heard of about the library could be that crowded. In a word, I feel that the studying rhythm would be fast which also push me to walk faster, learn faster and study harder so that I can catch up other people’s steps and stand ahead of them.



One thought on “First assignment—WHy Baruch?

  1. Hi, Yao. It’s so good that I can get to know you in our English class. Studying at Baruch College is really hard, and it’s even harder as an ESL student here. I can’t agree more because I am in the same situation. I appreciate that you have clear goal for future and work hard to achieve it.

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